Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Hope we get a triple pack like “The Two Fronts” at a good price for this patch


It would be really really funny if it did though

Fair lol

Did you say 3 Magach’s lol

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All copy paste lol

I could use some more Churchills tbh and a premium Crusader AA would be neat

All the major Harrier buffs coming this update has actually made them competitive. Im looking forward to playing the SHars again (all 3 of them)


Honsitly, I’d take long time reqested C&P/C&P that was missing for the updates before(ex. BeNeLux stuff, things that should have been here years ago)

Basically, C&P for stuff that was added before this update(Storm Warning and older). And it might make this update 10x better for me.

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Same. Maybe a T-34/85 D-5T one (since the regular one is a higher BR (ew) and still poor old 2014 model, while D-5T got a neat remastered one.

In fact, why the hell hasn’t the regular T-34/85 got a remaster too yet?)

Actually scrap that Chinese 3 pack with 5.0 vehicles : P

Yeah at this moment even tho I despise copy paste, it’s the only way to add content and improve upon this patches content

I hope it could be more than the two Heavy+SPAA.

“Sherman+Churchill+SPAA” would make an ideal one for me.

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Nah man, Churchill + Avenger + SPAA

Or even better, Churchill + Concept 3 + SPAA

Tbh this update does have me pretty split

J-11B and potential VT-5 have me excited.
The finnish hornet however is such a wtf for me because, its just like when the J-11A got given to China in Seek and Destroy.

I dont mind a vehicle being worse for historical reasons, but jesus why is it the same BR as its superior?

That’s true, I hope they end up giving it a more reasonable BR

That’s another great thing about this update

Yeah, I just hope we can get smin or another dev to pass the 2 rapier idea up and also hope the trainer harrier comes.

That would just be lovely and perfect for me, the only thing I can think extra would be a scorpion 90 for Japan from Thailand or something. IIRC it got said a potential thai tank coming right?

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Hol’ up, Scorpion 90 would be amazing, but I would explode if only Japan got one

Eh, sure its a “uk tank” with a “belgian turret” iirc(?) but it is kind of a domestic Thai vehicle. As a premium (100% likely imo) it would be fine for a patch or 2 before UK/benalux.

The Rapier Idea is great, hopefully that will help bulk up the patch.