I’m sure you’ll do just fine for a couple of updates though.
let me help you out with a few things here since you by your own admission are not very knowledgeable about Air Battles.
- The AIM-120C-5 would not improve the agility of the AIM-120 it’d improve the range, which is NOT what is needed
- The AIM-120B currently performs very very similarly to the R-77-1 at long ranges
- The R-77-1 despite its high pull, doesn’t actually track moving targets at long range as well as the AIM-120 (idk if this is a bug or what, but the AIM-120 is just better at keeping up with more erratic targets)
- The R-77-1s close range performance while better than the AIM-120s is nothing really… crazy?
- The Su-30 as a platform can’t BVR due to its bad TWR relative to the other 14.0s so the R-77-1s ranged performance is kind of wasted on it.
Quick question which version of the AIM-7P we have? The Block I or Block II or is it gonna be a mashup of both (as Gaijin likes to do that).
Also will the AIM-7P loft towards its target?
So, uh, what AMRAAM variant would that be? Coz if it’s the AIM-120C-5 or something newer than that you add a missile that completely outperforms the R-77-1 yet again
gaijin be like: adds a 2013 variant of the flanker with 14 missiles but doesn’t add the 1999 variant of the hornet with 14 missiles too and instead adds 1987 variant with 12 msl
They have Datalink on the devserver, so based on that they would be Block II
Yes it should, they were compatible with the AN/AAS-38, which gives it a FLIR pod with no laser designator, still useful for AGM-62 and 65
It does
Edited, but point still stands. 12 is still literally twice as many AMRAAMs the Eurofighter can carry xd.
I wouldn’t be able to recall the exact variant, but- wasn’t one of AIM-120C’s variants more agile? C-4, perhaps?
If not- does that mean that even F-22s will be flying around with 35G missiles while everyone else is on the 50+ range in the future?
If that’s the case, I’ll stand corrected and zip it. As you said, more range would change nothing in a meaningful way beyond messing balance by improving a metric that does not need any improvement for now.
I figure G overloads are not as relevant of a metric in real life as they are in War Thunder, the same way MBT ‘weakspots’ are way more relevant in War Thunder than they are in real life too.
EDIT: Nevermind. Turns out there are no more agile AIM-120 variants. There is no fight to be made here.
They could just add F-15SA to US so there is heavy fighter parity
I have to concede that I didn’t consider that a FLIR pod can still be a targeting pod, even if its just for optical/TV targeting, but what I meant was that it shouldn’t have a laser designator.
It depends on the variant of the AIM-120C they add when the F-22 comes, but yes, if it’s just the regular 120C it would be using ARH missiles with 35G.
Yeah, no laser designator, but having a targeting pod at such a low BR is kind of nice, it’s very basic with no zoom but obviously it has an IR mode and can track targets which is really useful.
On a similar note, it would be cool to get the AN/AAS-38B with the IRST mode
And which variant, if any, benefits from a higher G overload?
If there is any, then I advocate for that one and my point still stands. Notice how I never specified C-5, C-4, etc; I only said C, referring to whichever it had to be to achieve that.
If there is none, then there’s nothing that can be done, hahah. I’ll just take the L and grind Russia/France in the future for those sweet 50G missiles.
G pull alone doesnt tell the full story tbh.
MICA and R77 both pull 50Gs but they damn sure dont perform the same
Yeah, I’ve said that already somewhere else, but it would be neat to get more variation when it comes to pods. The radar pod on the Su-39 is pretty cool and it would be neat to see stuff like the AN/AAS-38B and other pods that add additional capabilities.
The F/A-18s were disappointing. I know the FM is cracked but it is most definitely over preforming. What is absurd this update is the Abrams and Leo Turret baskets as well the Abrams Turret trunnion.
I do think it is pretty sad if J-11B only comes with 6x PL-12s while the Su-30SM can get 12x R-77-1.
tbf the update was defo over hyped by the community way too much, didn’t help the dev stream was a buzz kill too. After that I just gave up though the WW2 content seems alright
“Mavericks can kill anything” except Pantsirs lol. I’ve had times where a Pantsir survived MULTIPLE hits from them… (and this isn’t even a rare problem as it happens fairly consistently to Youtubers/Twitch streamers that play this game) Mavericks are wiiiiiildly underperforming, especially after the targeting random parts nerf that Fire and Forget weapons got that makes them focus on wheels.