Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

How about no?

If you feel like you need to make SPAA specifically suffer you will be able to do so when that SEAD mode comes.

Also, there is no F-100G, they flew F-100F two-seaters for Wild Weasel at that time.

Currently the F-14B doesn’t have AIM-7P on the devserver, dunno if they plan on giving those to the F-14B.

I think that would be a good introduction around the same br as the early 8-10km SAMs

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My bad, confused with F-4G naming. And anyways, the ONLY thing you have to do is turn off radar

Blessed bug then… but hey, I bet they will fix this one specifically in no time!

I just looked the AGM-45 up, it wouldn’t even be able to lock onto the radar systems we have in the game, and if it could, it would outrange even top tier SAMs.

Why can you people not just accept that (H)ARMs have no place in ground battles? If Gaijin added stationary air defense systems that relied on external radar systems you could make a point for (H)ARMs, but not with how ground battles currently work.

If it is just the SEAD gameplay you yearn for then you will have to wait for that SEAD mode to arrive.

yeah i bet that in patch they gonna fix it but not the turret basket

Didn’t I say MIM-23 AND AGM-45?

in case anyone finds this interesting


77-1 beats the amraam to 50km, it arriving 3 seconds earlier. so its not much but, its no longer the base 77 either

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As others pointed out, premium should be for vehicles that are a bit weird, out of line, or on the contrary be somewhat similar to what there is in the tree to help with grinding.

If premiums are straight up better than what you can grind, you then enter in the “pay-to-win” realm. An other tank game tried this way, and lost quite a big chunck of active players since then.

Are the 2 events (pay to win and loss of players) related, that i can’t prove, but the dates match really well

I stopped reading your comment after the mention of the AGM-45 because I am getting tired of having to discuss with people that better SAMs/SPAAs are needed ASAP and that CAS shouldn’t be getting more capabilities until these new, more capable SAMs/SPAAs have been in the game long enough to show if CAS really needs to be buffed to compete with these new systems.

They said in the CM Covert Disclosure No.4 that they are going to look into Electronic Support Measures (and most likely ECM as well) to balance the addition of these new AA systems and the they don’t consider (H)ARMs to be necessary.

So no, not MIM-23 AND AGM-45, just MIM-23 or whatever SAM they end up adding for each nation.

but pantsir op >:CCCC

I don’t know if Stat shark is reliable.

Here’s the result with more missiles :


And from 15000m


IF the site is reliable, this is further proof that MICA is range limited, not just time limited (we already knew it from the files, but still)

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True, add ICBMs right now.

So now Russians have a 50G missile capable of pulling 270 turns which ALSO has a longer range.

They used to say that 120A was better despite pulling 15 less Gs because of the range advantage, now 120s don’t even have that.

Yep, perfectly balanced.

Bet people will still ramble about how “OP” AIM-120A is because of the “range advantage” in auto-pilot anyway.

But hey, if we ask for AIM-120C to even out the chances, they will go out to screech about “whiny U.S mains” as always.


its only by 3 seconds. its basically on par

It’s basically on par regarding range- while it pulls 15 more Gs.

Before, it was range vs Gs. Now Russians get both. So why aren’t AMRAAM users getting the C variant?

and that matters how exactly at the ranges youre firing em?

Always was like that.
Same is for abrams for example - “b-b-but they have reload”

The 77-1 as of now on the dev is still worse in practice as it dumps all its speed while trying to intercept any target that is not flying in a straight line.