Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

My bad Im tired I meant I agree with nerfing the Kh-38M until they add equals and valid counters but this should have been done updates ago we should have had the VL MICA-EM since the MICA was added. As for the panstir they dont even have to nerf it just make me spawn 30km instead of 12-16km where sometimes I take off and am within the range of most SPAA already in the game.

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MIM-23 and AGM-45/78 first probably

Mate, the Pantsir should definitely be limited to a similar range as the ITO, especially when considering that it is the only SAM system that also works as a proper CIWS.
Moving the CAS spawn further away would just further shift the balance towards CAS.

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Man, am I glad that Gaijin already said that they aren’t even considering (H)ARMs

Don’t worry, Shrike is not broken by any means. It’ll go dumb if you turn radar off

I disagree fighting the panstir isnt hard at all as the missile can be dodged by changing direction and turning just a littlebit beyond 12ish km away.

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It doesn’t matter how hard or easy it is to evade Pantsir missiles after those 12km, having that range beyond the 12km that the ITO and Tor have is an imbalance and since this is a game first and a simulation second they should strife for some kind of balance.

You don’t need more weapons to counter SAMs/SPAAs. This shouldn’t even be a discussion right now.

Im a little annoyed about the targeting pod on the F18C Late on why I cant use it on the engine side but on the F18A i can and I dont even think the F18C late carrys the LITENING II irl correct me if im wrong.

The F/A-18A shouldn’t even have a targeting pod to begin with

Would you rather people bring specialized weapons only usable against AA (and aren’t even that good) or bring mavericks that can kill anything

everybody’s getting fancy new AGMs and I’m just here waiting to have GCS-1…


Are you seriously going to act like they couldn’t just bring both (H)ARMs and some regular A2G weapons?

But it is balanced the range means next to nothing if the missile is not good beyond 12km I get the CIWS multiple vehicles should be able to do that but as a SAM vehicle it is not unbalanced in my experience.

Not only that shouldnt the AAS38 be on the F18C Late?

What if they start off with F-100G wild weasel jets with AGM-45, and MIM-23? That is fair since 100G is specialized for SEAD

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The F/A-18C (Late) should use the AN/ASQ-228 if it doesnt already in game

They had AN/AAS-38 Nite Hawks on the F/A-18A, but those were only FLIRs
The F/A-18C early should have a AN/AAS-38A or B Nite Hawk which added laser targeting capabilities.

Is the f14B getting 7p and when is the f14D coming? Also when is the f14 gonna get its Expanded Chaff Adapter (eca) that go on the missile racks of the aim54

I just checked on the dev server the turret mantlet as a whole is not producing spall not the trunnion acting as a spall liner. most definitely a bug.