that too
Me wants Mach 25 M51 please
i mean i can make a case here that “on no we have a counter now, lets cry until were helped by the devs again” is a typical case of US main lol
If they aren’t flying perfectly straight the AMRAAM still beats it easily. It is draggier than the base R-77 which was already horrid. That why you can’t look at stats without context. The AIM-120 is better for range in practical scenarios, but the R-77-1 is better exclusively on paper.
Sure, you can get the base AIM-120C that’s just a AIM-120B with clipped wings and fins
wrong, 77-1 has .05 less drag
You’re telling me they changed it in the last 30 minutes? Pull up the file please.
i literally did yesterday. i even have the screenshot sent to someone, one sec
I looked at it 30 minutes ago and it had greater supersonic drag.
Might sound controversial, but now that everyone is getting on par missile, maybe they could finally activate that MICA bug report and unnerf its range
the 15E and Eurofighter at 5000 meters…1.5 Mach and higher EASY!..Su-30SM at 5000 meters struggles to get to 1.35 Mach. Have you been on the Dev Server testing things???
speed dependent drag isnt even modeled for missiles. tf are you on about
left is 77-1, right is base 77
Depends on which plane. The F-15E, EFT, Rafale, J-11B and Su-30SM could move to 14.3 either as is or with minor corrections/buffs.
F/A-18C could also be moved to 14.3 if they give it either the AESA radar or 120C-5s (which have been in the files for a while iirc).
This way some of the better performing 13.7s could be moved to 14.0 or the new space can be used to slightly decompress the 13.0 BR.
Yes it is? It’s literally the biggest issue for the MICA.
the biggest issue for the mica is that it was never meant to be a long range missile in the first place which is reflected with a generalized high drag number (for its size and weight)
This is off topic so short answer no
So western cas cant get eastern equivalent becuase muh pantsir wont be as op as it already is
it’s not really controversial, it should be unnerfed.
The problem with MICA is rather :
- incorrect loft
- incorrect drag
- self destruct at 50km
- self destruct after 70s
Also incorrect
It should be a medium range missile, just like amraam. In fact, nothing in MICA designation specifies it must be short range. (MICA = Missile d’Interception, de Combat et d’Autodéfense => Self defense, combat and interception missile)
It’s meant to be a polyvalent missile in a 112kg airframe. The reason it can reach same range as Amraam A while being far lighter is because it has a smaller warhead.
Public numbers for MICA’s range is 80km, far from the 50 that you can reach in game (if fired at 14km and mach 2 btw)
What the heck are you wafflin about?