Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Make then early hornet 13.3 and give it aim120a and it would be way funner. Give f18c late aim120c1 make it 14.0 instead of 13.7 where it should be now

Yeah, but that won’t be modelled, cause we can’t have funny TV Martels either.
It would just be GPS based FnF with terminal IR homing ingame.

Really? Iirc, C+ upgrade was before AESA and the AESA is the latest development of hornet

GPS based FnF with Terminal IR homing? Smells like Taurus to me

You know what? Screw it, we going for the full hog. Let’s fill the air with Storm Shadows!

Taurus is Storm shadow’s buff big brother

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russia is the greatest country in the world.😅


Idk it’s hard to date these more modern items with more limited info. I saw C+ upgrade refered to the APG-83. So the usmc 79 already should have been on it.

Buff? Isn’t the weight and warhead difference negligible?

(Also, the Taurus is newer, so it would be the small brother 🤓)

The fact that they listed the turret basket as being apart of the drive in the update announcement is what killed me. They essentially said we know you going to bug report it so here is us saying no. It is intentional.


ZTZ99A, VT-4A1, Ariete, Challenger 2, Leclerc, Type 10 will be coming next

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JASSM-ER still the best fighter launched cruise missile tbh

I’m tired of complaining about russian bias, but gaijin do something really disgusting almost every patch…


For sure…

We get it, you always have to one-up the rest of us

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Imo it should come this patch because of the Kh-38MT but I get what you mean we really should have seen long range SAMs this update

What they SHOULD be doing is nerf the Kh-38MT and the Pantsir until they can figure out a way to balance this stuff properly.

2 up, once JASSM-XR is done

I disagree the solution is to increase the rewards for killing aircraft and add better SAMs why we havent seen thr IRIS-T SLM or VL MICA-M IR yet or any of those systems is beyond me

Why would you disagree with nerfing things that are obviously overpowered until those better SAMs are introduced?
Also, increasing rewards for killing aircraft wouldn’t change the fact that the Pantsir and Kh-38MT are blatantly overpowered when compared to what the other nations have available right now?