Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

  • B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (early)”), B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (late)”): RWR: ARI 18223 → Sky Guardian 200 (buff)

Awarness of Japanes(Thai) Harriers +9999.


I still wonder when or if we will get carriers in warthunder for naval, like would they make a new line for them? because I dont see things like HMS Hermes being 7.0

Well Gaijin brilliant:


Something to do with stealth/LPI I think

I mean, the JA37D F21 did it first


IIrc it was the F-20

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To be fair, it’s not at the highest BR

True, that was also 1.0 BR from top tier at first.

Then the JA37D F21

and now we have the F/A-18C Early, which is 1.3 away from top tier, which hardly seems like such a big deal after all the other things we’ve got, I mean it isn’t even in the top tier bracket

That isn’t mentioning the JF-17 and SU-33

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has the netz always identified the adats as a mirage 2000?

This means something? Still 13.0

12.7, it was confirmed on stream that the 13.0 BR was incorrect in the dev server

Did you already forget about the JA37DI? And what about the Su-33 and JF-17 SQVs which you can also just buy?

I am waiting to se how this turret basket effects that though.

Hopefully soon

yay… more FnF CAS weapons that completely outrange every SPAA/SAM in the game… fun…

agm84e isnt fnf its manually guided

Huh? It has GPS guidance, INS, Datalink and terminal IR homing

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I’ve only seen 1 article referring to the C+ upgrade and it was talking about the AESA. Right now information is kind of limited but it appears the C+ might be 2018+

and MITL (manual)