Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

the SMT has ±85° azimuth which means you can notch while maintaining lock

radar has more range too, and the hornets radar better be placeholder because for an aesa its terrible.

apg73 isn’t aesa

This is correct, got confused with the super hornet. still needs work though, the apg65 on the f4f ice works better than on the hornet.

120 single shoot CM*

I’m surprised that the developer didn’t enable permanent all vs all mode, even though it was the most logical solution.

pretty sure it’ll be double pops still

btw in case anyone wants to try this, the R-77-1 together with the bars radar is accurate enough on datalink to be used as an air to ground missile

irl its programmable and you can choose how many flares you want to drop per click or even drop everything all at once with the emergency jettison button

“The power of the sun in the palm of your hand” XD

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its used to get rid of CMs that may catch on fire in an emergency landing

Yep, but Slavik doesn`t think so.

Makes me wish that they would let us use Kormorans against ground targets

nyet comrade, r77 best ashm

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also shouldnt this be good enough to guide r27s on tws considering it by no means has the updating issue the 27sm would have

In general, it would be logical if the F-18C tree looked like this:

F/A-18C(Early) - AN/APG-73 → F/A-18C(Late) - AN/APG-79 → F/A-18C(+) - AN/APG-83

I am fairly certain no F/A-18C carried the AN/APG-83



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Should be AN/APG-79v4, not APG-83
Yea, 83 was tested, but 79v4 is installed on serial hornets

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Pretty sure that was a single test fitting. They went with the AN/APG-79 afterwards.