Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

do we know if the f/18’s should get more countermeasures, and if so what models. i don’t want to self research for half an hour today.

ah so, basically just no difference between the already existing electronically scanned radars lmao

The F/A-18C in the TT should be getting 120, the model is already there for it in game, the A will likely stay at 60, the premium one could go either way, but at the moment it is likely to remain at 60

all I have heard about the SMT is how it has the worst AOA of any of the mig 29s, I dont think that means the F/A-18C should be 13.3

Yeah, the F/A-18C is much more agile, has a better radar, more missiles, and better missiles, there isn’t really a comparison to be made

come to realize





the aoa is fine, you just dont turn when you pull the aoa. you just sorta stop midair its weird.

yeah and this guy is saying the F/A-18C is comparable lmao

smt can get more range out of an r77 than hornet can out of a aim120b due to the speed difference alone.

I’m not sure that is true, maybe at the extremes, but not in a match you wont

ive done it on the dev server already lol and once again i restate, i only thought 13.3 would be apropriate f it was stuck with 60cm. which is just pitiful.

you also act as if those super long shots actually kill the enemy, they are incredibly easy to defeat and when you get into the range that missiles actually become harder to defeat the hornet has double the missiles

mine kill people. besides at close ranges the r77 is just better than the 120?

then you must be fighting players who dont know how to play the game

it’s much easier on the dev server because people don’t care to play properly

that too, not to mention 90% of people with the premium F/A-18C are almost certainty new to top tier

SPICE bombs datamined by gszabi

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its a lot worse on the live server actually.

There’s no any problem to give the F/A-18C an AESA. The F/A-18C has modifications with more advanced radar.