Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It has 120, you just need to wait for them to finish modeling it. Also the F-16A OCU has 45 at 13.7 and is definitely worse than the hornet. So it will be fine.

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To be fair the F-16A OCU also has 120CMs, so that doesn’t exactly translate to Gaijin getting it right…

They have the 120 modeled, so as long as they don’t pull a Taiwanese F-16 there should be no reason not to make that change.

If it gets 120cm then 13.7 would be fine.

Is there somewhere an List of all the planes with TWS+?

Shouldn’t f18c late have a maws? its in the manual at least.

Edit: its just chaff dispensers hooked up to the rwr.

i have to say i dont have see anyone speak about the rewords of spaa intercept missiles and bombs
any news ?

no, in no way is that thing on par with a tornado F3 late

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considering how slow it is, its on par with 29smt. at least with 60cm. 120cm and 13.7 is fine.

True, not sure who they tasked with making the OCUs model, but they forgot two whole CM dispensers and for some reason restricted one of the tail ones to 15 large CMs rather than the 30 regular ones (unlike any other aircraft in game with ALE-40)


Additional two ALE-40 dispensers should be behind the left wing, but are missing in game.

Bug Report

Let’s hope the Hornet doesn’t suffer the same fate


Goes to show that not many care about AAs at all.

Heres the flip side, why would anyone buy something worse than you can grind. Premiums should absolutely be competitive and worth while. If they can be sidegrades thats preferred. But there should be zero reason a premium is worse. The words literally “Premium” Premium generally means better in real life. And it should reflect that here. I also believe there should be a counterpart in the tech tree unless its a one off design that never went out to large scale.

Well that is if they see it existed

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grinding should be rewarded. you buy prems to get those rewards quicker so no, they should not be better than their tech tree counterparts.
the thing that makes them wanted is the fact the prems get increased rewards and both squadron vehicles and prems can be obtained instantly (and in the case of squadron vehicles, for free if youre willing to wait)

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while it may have similar speeds, it has a HMD double the missiles and far better AOA

Premiums should offer something unique, not just be an outright upgrade at the same BR as the TT version

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also, what does “tws+” imply

smt has hmd and good aoa, just dumps speed to do it and is much faster.

The same people that think yhe game magically funds itself

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