Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Leopard 2 blowout panels actually working (IRL they are made of normal aluminum -_-), Begleitpanzer 57, Leopard 2K, T-72M1 has the '83 upgrade on base, not as a tier 4 mod, Alpha Jets, Germany is one of the only 4 nations in the game wielding Fire-and-Forget heli AGM’s, Turm 3, the TAM series spall modifier (or anything on the chassis/hull of the Marder), Radkampfwagen 90 not spalling, maverick-b’s at 9.7, CCIP below 9.0 - the list goes on and on.

Notice how the most of these vehicles I mentioned are prototypes - prototypes, which are in the normal tech tree, most of which had only 1 existing vehicle.

Also the first Gepard shouldn’t have a Pulse-Doppler Radar and a Stabilizer, since these were added in the A1 version.

While the USA is bad at Ground and good at Air (not exactly due to the playerbase), Germany totally isn’t bad at both.

Oh, post-scriptum - I don’t main America ^^.

between unlikely and impossible

We are adding all these CAS monsters, yet most minor nations dont even have a radar missle aa

(Italy, Israel, JAPAN)


besides Israel which?

are there IRL existing ones that could fill the gap?

Japan (6km all aspect IR), Italy (otomatic)


CHU (better type-93, yet still not top tier).

And, Gaijin is planning on adding Thai and other nations to these tech trees. So why not add the emergency needed ones now, instead of crippling them for a year and then add these AA units.

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Should the Su-30SM barely be able to role when you turn off the AoA Limiter? Or is this bugged? I really feel like the Su-30SM is extremly underpreforming in roll rate.

the same reason gaijin hasnt given other nations top tier SPAA because then Russia CAS dominance would end

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I’m so glad to see this, 3 minutes in to the game.

Su30SM be like.

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US is not even close to bad at most ground BRs lmao. Just because they aren’t the best doesn’t mean they are bad.

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The F-18C looks backward compared to the Su-30SM. It badly needs AN/APG-79. It’s not the best radar, but it’s definitely better than the AN/APG-73.

gaijin finnaly modeled the spice 2000 and spice 250.

after waiting for 2 years gaijin finnaly heard israeli cas prayers 😭


Until you realize that dominant CAS gets eaten by CAP.

And said CAP is still completely overpowering our current SAMs and SPAAs as most of them can still bring advanced A2G armament without having to sacrifice a lot of CAP capability

i Meant MBT’s and Heli-CAS at top-tier ;)

Even then the US isn’t bad in top tier. As @_Renzo said, just because they aren’t the best doesn’t mean they are bad.

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Do you know that word?

I’m well aware german ground is incredibly strong at almost all BRs.

? Sure, they’re nimble, but they ain’t fast and carry no AAMs.

And I’d argue they’re the worst ones. I’d take the spikes over em any day. And the Heli doesn’t even have a gun. Also, how’s that relevant for air modes?

The F-4F sits at 11.0/10.3 for Ground

If you need CCIP to bomb a base, I dont know how to help you. And other attackers in that range have it as well.

How’s that relevant?


The reading comprehension on this site remains piss poor

that would be the case if the Su30SM didnt have 6 KH38MTs lol

Personally, J-10B and J-10C armed PL-8B

PL-5E & PL-8 to replace PL-5B & PL-2

Not forget J-7D & J-7E none HMS

  • J-7D to 11.3 if PL-2 replace with PL-8
  • J-7E increase to 11.7, PL-8 instead PL-2

J-7G to early rank 8 before J-8F, BR 12.3 or 12.7

But armed PL-8B ?

30SM is still a dev server only thing, so we’ll have to see what happens. I was talking about the situation happening for months now.