Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Smin already beat ya too it

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No idea.

I heard Oxy say that the Msta’s shell stats are currently wrong as they copy pasted the 2S1’s, so maybe to make Rapiers statcard they just copy pasted M113 ADATS one and didn’t get round to changing the flag?

A long time ago in lower BR there was bases that consisted of supply caches and the more of those you destroyed the more damage the base took but they were still pretty clustered together. I think they could add covoys and bridges should be “base targets” for bombers too or even stuff like a battery of stationary artillery pieces

probably just used the CanDATS config file as a start point for the rapier (as code wise they’ll be pretty similar) and forgot to change the flag

Those are still around.

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They should turn the forward airfields into bombing targets and model different modules on them that have to be destroyed

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I haven’t seen them in ages that’s all I’m saying 😔

That would be cool too

Dev server busted for anyone else too? “Connecting to server”, “failed to load player profile”…


Yep, was in earlier but I can’t get in anymore.

RAAAA! I must test whether Type 10’s steering was truly fixed!

Is anyone having fps issues on the dev server? If not I think my GTX 1070Ti is officially giving up soon. I’m glad I have a new PC on the way but for the time being I’m worried.

Out of curiousity, hat is supposed to be fixed about it? I didn’t see anything in the patch notes when I quickly snanned over them.

What kind of response is that? Lol.

There was no change when I checked the dev server at first, but maybe they added the fix afterwards…?


EDIT 2: change still not implemented to the dev server it appears :/

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Now they only have to fix the transmission. Lets wait 2 years again

radar type 1493 bug report !!


j11b Rad



j11b Rad333


Something nice for Japan ground is in the works (i think?), at least something to look forward in the future.
also someone knows what MWT stands for?


  • Brought the list up-to-date. (

    • Added MWT ground vehicles:
      • JPN:
        • Type 74 HSP
      • IRN:
        • Karrar
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  • Harriers getting TLC
  • new radar controls
  • RN top tier ships can now hit things
  • New naval damage systems might curtail Scharnhorst

Might be light on vehicles to grind, in fact there is nothing so far i will be “grinding” for immediately. But plenty to actually keep my entertain over the next 3 months.

what did you do to get on dev?

I still get the “failed to load player profile” error