Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Try the web login. It fixed that issue for me at least

It’s a mobile game

Where is PR23?

tried it 5 times, didn’t do anything

restarted and tried downloading it again, that didn’t do anything either

Ah ok, now my mood went back into the basement and only comes up depending if the rumored Thai ground vehicle comes or some bug fixes for the thai aircraft come.

Still only in Mobile for now.

Pretty sure MWT models can be used in War Thunder, we’ve already seen this recently, I forgot what vehicle it was though.

Loads of goodies


Some other things found today:



New weapon not currently used by French ships ingame:

RWR threat indications for S-75 and MIM-23 Hawk

FIROS-6 appears



Not yet in the dev server it seems
I haven’t found it in the CDK

Hmm… very strange

Does anyone know if the F-14s get access to the AoA limiter disabler?

YES! The MIM-23 is my number 1 favorite for multi vehicle systems. They need a next next major update RRD for me to cope in.

I can’t get into the Dev server either right now. Sad… (I wanted to test drive the Harry Hopkins)

At least, I heard news that let’s me chug hopuim.

Interesting… no Kurganets-25?

So we are getting both VT-5 and VT-5BD (Bangdalesh), interesting! A regular tree vehicle and a Premium/Squadron one, I suppose.

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Is this h(c)ope list or dev server changes?

Honestly the new turret basket kinda ruins gameplay and the update for some ground players. Like instead of the abram’s being 1 shot to disable it’s now one shot to kill due to the extra spall the basket makes.

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Actual dev server changes.

  • SHars finally have their HUDs but a little buggy
  • All Harrier 1s at the very least have updated FMs
  • New radar controls for handling vertical axis (has been implemented in a sensible manner)
  • 15" guns have gotten massive accuracy buffs. still waiitng on news of the 16" guns
  • New naval damage system looks interesting, but not tried it yet in battle

does F14B get aim7P

Eh… I’ve given up on ground at this point. Too many issues that Gaijin just doesnt care about fixing

Besides, doesnt look like its come to the CR2