radars don’t have to go down and then back up to complete a sweep, they just go from top to bottom and that’s a sweep, effectively doubling the refresh rate.
Export variant with different era layout and no rcws . No news of 96b
( If it’s a premium we riot )
Thats actually awesome!
finally, some bustle ammo/auto-loader for China
next stop in bustle town : ZTQ-15
last stop : M1A2T
However, the new module absorbs spall, like a liner. So that’s actually a w.
The basket however, should NOT count as horizontal drive; specially when only these 2 MBT families would be getting this nerf and no one else. Instead, they should only act as spall protection, instead of generating additional spall as they do now.
But look at the new mantlet; it’s an odd win, and most likely unintentional… so maybe they will nerf it later.
I find odd that, instead of fixing the turret ring thickness or the wrong fuel tank bulkheads, they went to give it an additional weakness…
Such a “beautiful” thing should be popularised to all vehicles, not just “preferential” M1 and Leopard 2, which is unfair to other tanks.
I still cope any future plans for India
I do but I remember the MiG 23 absolutely booting the crap out of US and British F-4s…
man you Russians and your goldfish memory.
That’s kinda what I was saying, Indias Soviet tanks cannot fix Britains top tier MBT problems
And before that I remember the 21bis beating up the F-5E and F-4E which had their time dunking on the MIG21SMT/MF. US and USSR in air are two sides of the pendulum called “who gets to beat on everyone else”.
Fixing the cr2 will do that
Just another reason the F/A-18C Early needs to be 13.0 with 9M
More CM
Better AIM-7
Better A2G
kinda might as well just add the 9M and move them apart
The F-4J was better than the MiG-23MLD but people didnt want to learn how to use radar but pretty much everyone else died to the stealth missiles that were the R-24T they were also 1 update apart.
Yeah, just like they could have fixed the Leclercs and the Ariete instead of giving France and Italy Leos.
That’s sadly just how it seems to gonna be for the foreseeable future
This Passed to the Devs series has one vehicle confirmed coming this update( Ariete Certezza ), one vehicle being developed by a player ( FW 187 link ) and one vehicle which had appeared in the files, but was removed before implementation ( AH-56A )
Cheyenne and Comanche when?
Bit underwhelming yeah
This is shaping up to be quite a nice patch! Matsu, Grecale, Warspite, probably Colorado, a couple neat WWII tanks, some of the best ground maps being reworked, ship damage model improvements, and the usual QoL fixes. :)