I’m easy on the A, but I get the sentiment, the 9M over the 9L is usually just a 0.3 BR increase, but it feels so much better to use
Yeah, and 9L really isn’t a gulf war loadout lol
Vt-5 is is in the files , the stars have aligned
P1 Osorio with 105 L7 should go to Brits tree.
P2 Osorio with 120mm Giat …well … can go to France? If not, then British is still the 2nd choice.
other Brazilian stuffs which are mostly based on modified US platforms can go to the US
I mean that famous MiG-21 shootdown was with a 9M and a 7M, surely that would be the loadout to go for.
Not that I’m upset about the AIM-7P but it’s a very minor upgrade realistically
Personally, F/A-18C late (Iraqi Freedom era) armed AGM-65E (80’s)
But I want AGM-65E & AGM-65F to replace AGM-65D & AGM-65G on AV-8B+ (USMC) and AGM-65E & AGM-65G on AV-8B Night Attack in dev server
This ?
Now F/A-18C Early only received AGM-84E SLAM
so the export variant specifically, not the PLA ZTQ-15? Strange.
and still no ZTZ-96B?
Am I speaking a foreign language? I don’t understand what’s so difficult to follow here.
M1’s/Leo 2’s get trunnions/baskets which are counted as traverse mechanisms due to their ‘‘updated modules’’, yet the T-80BVM and T-90M with their own recently updated modules have none of these parts modelled.
The Challenger 2 is irrelevant as that has not yet received upgraded modules as far as I’m aware.
Please don’t lie.
There is no change in protection to the breech area of the M1’s, in fact, it’s now counted as a vertical drive mechanism as well so that’s a nerf, plain and simple.
And that’s not even mentioning the fact that this would’ve been a good opportunity to actually fix the mantlet armour as well as a myriad of modelling issues, but Gaijin went the lazy route and fixed absolutely nothing.
What did they fix?
They’re everywhere lol, although major operatora include sweden, italy and Israel.
Also saw an image of an F-16I with stormbreakers, which would be nice considering you can run half Spice 250ER and half GBU-53
If they give hornets BOL and put them at 13.7 where they shouldve been from the start, would be perfect on top of A/C 9M
Im in the DEV server NOW
wdym this?
Israel? Don’t they have SPICE 250?
I always thought it was JDAM that was literally everywhere, but I guess GBU-39 is pretty common too
This is the worst update I’ve ever seen
Use pretty much every US air to ground munition do you shouldn’t be surprised
Yeah, 60 CMs on all of them right, that’s gonna be a pain at 14.0, it’s about average for 12.7 :/
its just hornet adding, and they don’t even add it to everyone who can get one
Yes this all versions of the F/A-18C can carry it and it is pretty much the equivalent to the Kh-38MT and should be able to LOAL like the penguin at least against ships
The C late should have 120, but even then BOL would be nice