The AH-56A may be the next air reward, after (alledgedly) the BMPT event. It was suggested in a leak as well.
Like two of them lol
Like Germany isn’t hand-holded enough, if the ground subtree goes to the US (if it will) then the air one goes there too (the US dont need any air subtrees though)
Yeah, the two french cars, but the Harry really ain’t that neat (except for the name of course)
Is that an american talking about other nations being hand held,
Technically yes, it can use this pod. It’s just not a widely used component. Also the MiG-29SMT.
That would be the best case, have next update be F-2 based like this one is F-18 based, add two F-2s (maybe use the occasion and let the early one replace the AJ).
Teaser could be based around F-2 and J-10B then too, since that isn’t coming this update either. Maybe they can work in a story again like they did before.
That was last year there is nothing to say they can have the same dm update.
Just like how progressively last year things got their autoloader modeled or heli’s got internal modules.
Didn’t they already deny it for now
Leaked was the Sovetsky Soyuz, but i couldnt find anything in the files regarding that, so maybe they’ll add her next week
In the files however is still USS Colorado from last time, why she’s there again and not in the game… beats me
Now watch it be 7.1 second reload bcz Gaijin
I suppose Nelson was the beginning of 16 inch guns
But Nelson was only the 3rd ship with 16inch guns to be added tho… ?
Amagi and especially Mutsu have been floating around for a while
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They spend extra time nerfing it instead of spending less time fixing it
Fuel tank bulkhead change, fuel tank bulkhead thickness change, ufp thickness, hydraulic pump model and move to engine, turret ring fix(maybe not this one but still) are easier to model and change than an entire modeled turret basket that isnt even turret basket but just a turret ring identified as a turret basket
and they still havent fix merkavas armor after almost 5 years of bug report
five years, i was 14 5 years ago
At this point is just ridiculous, I mean, they cant even hide the russian bias right now.
No other nation recieved a high tier plane in every update last year.
The KH38 is as OP as mavericks when added but only mavericks has been nerfed.
Instead of nerfing the kh38 they just put another similar missile with worst perfomance in france (a minor nation)
They also didn´t give the real performance to brimstones cause it would be “too op”.
Oh, and if KH38 from a SU-25 wasn´t enought, they added the SU-34 that can carry more kh38 and has a better performance
At that point you could say “Ok, russia has better air to ground but someone elses has better air to air” but now they just add SU-30 with R77-1 and also KH38, hybrid radar, and trust vectoring.
Now one nation gonna have the best AA, the best air to ground missile from a very capable air to air platform, the best attack helicopter with a weird damage model, one of the Top 3 mbt´s and the best light vehicle.
If that isn´t russian bias then what is it?
So if it is supposed to be an OIF can you check to see if the Litening we have in the dev server is an LITENING G4 or is it one of the earlier models?
I hate their naming scheme (late)
cope more, said russian bias