Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

what the hell is that? indian?


Yup, they put a Catapult howitzer (M-46) on a Vijayanta chassis

@Smin1080p_WT Anything new on Italian PZH2000?

that one’s Arjun … but they operated mostly the Vickers variant

I kinda wish the hornet premium was more competitive, if im forking out 110$ CAD why would i want something thats just going to get stomped. The f20 already gets plagued at its br , i think a cf188 premium would have been a better choice, give it aim120 and aim9m and adjust its br accordingly. Not having ARH at top tier absolutly puts you at an immediate disadvantage

. The only other solution i can see is BR adjustments by weapon selection and this goes for all vehicles. 6 aim 9l is stock br , aim9m .3br increase aim120 another br increase. Kinda like 12.3, 12.7, 13.0 depending in the loadout. Then in game locked loadouts, or you can only choose loadouts under the br you came in with. So if you matchmaked with aim9L you cant switch to aim120 once you got in at a low br. There are many planes stock that do not deserve to sit at their BR but spaded do just fine or excel.

Alvis has his own set of “Alternate Facts”

Oh, true, didn’t look at it closely, just spoke from memory

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what’s the reverse speed of arjun?

Play with it in the Test flight the FM feels good. But wouldn’t be surprised if it is over preforming and will be nerfed.

better than a T-90/Archer at least
goes off to google

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Second → WHERE IS THE COLORADO ? ? ? ?

Dunno about the Arjun, but the Vijayanta version would have about 11 km/h reverse speed

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I need more copium, because SLE would be an dream with good CAS and able to use AMRAAM ontop of the IRIS-T))))
@Smin1080p_WT question is it correct that the Spanish Tiger HAD for Germany is in the dev-server changelog listed as an squadron heli?

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Does anyone get an error when logging into the dev server?

Connecting to the server - Error: Failed to recognize profile

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ok i want this in main line tree NOW

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don’t really need a CF-188 rn tbh, and what’s so different about it?

AGM-84E when?

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Finally something interesting for me. I suspect it will be premium and take the place of the premium ZTZ96A.