I guess we’ll get the cool cars after they add another pointless vehicle with the Fox’ gun: The Sabre
what’s the difference
The Sabre uses an unmodified Fox turret while the Scimitar has a different turret design
Su-30 players get to grind R-27ET first mod and R-73 second mod and J-11B PL-8B first mod while f18c still has to grind through 9L (10.3 missile in 14.0) and 7P second mod (12.0 msl with iog+dl)
Harrier I or II?
I feel like the Harrier Is turn better at high speed but they still feel like the same brick at low speed
they should just make it so unlocking the 9m also unlocks the 9l or something, just for people who want to larp with worse missiles
should’ve got the scorpion instead of scimitar tbh
Not with this update, but there are potential future plans and considerations.
Where is the Colorado ???
I don’t know anything about dev servers and overall future stuff. CM’s should know though
Yup, but apparently the “funny rat with autocannon” crowd needed a Fox with tracks and worse armor
its not about larping it’s about stock grind you will have to fight jets with 360° MAW with 9L until you get 9M at rank 3
it is though, some people begged to gaijin to keep the 9l because it had it irl at some point, so to satisfy both just make it so that the first missile unlock unlocks multiple bad missiles
When will the dev open?
Me having to unlock AIM-9Gs using AIM-9Ds only on the Phantom FG.1/FGR.2
wait, what? … “British mains like their Archers?” you say?
cool, something from/for the sub tree, then (but, bigger):
called a Catapult
shoots 130mm sized tea bags
It’s open rn
That’s the stuff I want from India!
whenever they feel safe and sound
done the same with F-4J