So agm65f, any difference over the agm65d, of course game wise not asking the real ones.
Thinking about it, how come we don’t have anything with a recoilless rifle yet?
You’re a good mule, Molly!
Any interesting aircraft or tank that we don’t know of yet?
you gotta be effing kidding me … seems like you never got pizza delivered hot right into your face at 6.7 or 8.0
ignoring the lack of the holy AGM-84E which would finally give the pantirs a run for their money
Guess I should have been more specific. I meant that as in, why does Britain not have anything with a recoilles rifle yet
shame it’s only a 76mm recoiless and not a 106 on the ferret
Man, that would have been so much cooler than the Fox and Scimitar
coz The Headless Coachmen is a spooky ordeal
The explosive type as far as I know. I didn’t look too much in game at it. I know it SAP-HE
the fox was fine but the hell is the point in the scimitar? like where’s my ferret with swingfires or recoiless rifle??
Holy damn, Comet with no turret but a recoilless
How is this not a thing ingame yet
coz we can’t boogey when its spooky
I knew that wasn’t coming. But if I could have had my fixed AGM-65E2 with extended laser lock range. I would have been content with it.
It really do be something only Irish people could come up with lol