Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

2 images from aircraft ZH657 (T.10 standard. not upgraded to T.12)

Im working this out. The T.10 is “Technically GR.7” standard… however uses the helmets from the GR.9. As the T.10 continued in service ALONGSIDE the newer airframes (T.12) they just got given the helmets for the GR.9

So, in total its a harrier capable of the GR.7 loadouts. BUT, since the pilots where training for the GR.9 harrier towards the end of service, they wore the helmet with the QUE System from the Tornado GR.4/Harrier GR.9

T.10 would have had HMS que for the aim9M

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do u know how long until dev server close

Do we have a list of all the confirmed tanks and aircraft? Stuff that wasn’t seen on the trailer and now is known with the dev.


dev open !!!

I’m split on that tbh, since Saudi Arabia also uses a lot of British equipment.

I feel like they would be better suited as a support nation like Australia and Canada

i see where you’re coming from but there’s a difference of i can’t remeber the last time the saudis actually made a domestic vehicle like the israelis, they just seem like a source of an extra premium from the country of production, like for instance here’s a saudi F-15 premium! so an EF premium would prob go to whoever needs it

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There’s another ZTZ 99A with a PF98 ATW

If we ever get premium EFs I believe the Saudi one would go to Britain, the Austrian one to Germany and the Spanish one to Italy (not saying that any of these nations are subtrees, just that this would be the most likely scenario)

which one?

link? can’t find it on your profile


It’s not approved for the forum yet, so you can’t see it

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on the subject of abominations we made…


good for plinking from a distance but anything close sneezes at and it evaporates

One day we’ll get spaa focused update.

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No AGM-65E2... Disappointing