Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If britain gets a stupid indian sukhoi im going to start unironically asking for a saudi eurofighter for the usa.

You have been warned.

EX Tank too ;)

edit dev is live indeed

its live

does the r77-1 have the same seaker as the r77?


  • It’s unique relative to the Russian one
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saying it won’t help is untrue but it certinally won’t help enough i agree, also no mention of arjun?

Is the EX Tank soviet/russian? Coz that was what @spartinwarrior64 was talking about

He has a British hate bonor

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why the hell would the saudis go to america? like oh wow the americans sold them an f-15 is all i know about

Because at least we wouldn’t be stuck with only 2 IR missiles on one jet as our only option. Guess you forgot sweden has to choose between CAP or CAS since you only have 1 13.7 but im not even slightly suprised you don’t even understand why im upset go figure.

how long will it be opened for

50% Russian IIRC its a T72 hull isnt it? XD

It is

But look like gaijin is too lazy fo actually fix the ariete.
they are sitting on a 1 year old accepted bug report. why even fix it when you can ask for 70 euro and doing nothing
Not even the KF 41 got some fix

more of a minor tree tbh

You asked about Soviet tanks, didn’t you? The Arjun isn’t Soviet

got mixed up between replies

guys how long would devs server be opened for

Ah, yeah, it apparently is an T-72 chassis with a Arjun turret

edit: mixed the parts up

We prop them up the same way we do israel, and israel cant be a subtree now.

Everything america has done in the middle east in the last 40 years has been in collaboration with saudi.

My Tank EX suggestion is pending since Feb 10, and the Bhishma Mk.3 for almost a month (((((((((