Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

The thing is to try and get in included (and EOTS systems by proxy ) in any additional changes made to the baseline functionality of the IRST, but as the report is currently languishing ( being slow rolled) I don’t think it will make it in time for this major at this point.

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3+ gen targeting pod maybe Sniper XR 2000’s ~ late 2010’s ?

Sniper XR (Advanced Targeting Pod - Sensor Enhancement or ATP-SE), TALIOS and Litening G4 ?

The latest occasion was during the Barham (04) event last year.

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I wish I could decipher what you are trying to say

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Sniper XR pod better another early 3rd gen targeting pod, maybe

Sniper XR and Litening AT with Plug and Play II data-link capability

F/A-18A+ and F/A-18C/D (2005 ~ 2014) from USMC, F/A-18A HUG 2.4 (RAAF) and F/A-18C MLU 2 (FINAF) equipped Litening AT pod

AN/AAQ-28(V)2 Litening II+ close to Litening ER

1 GE is equal to about 40 rp iirc, so just add up the amount of rp total for the mods and divide by 40

I don’t think mod GE follows the same rules as the TT RP GE cost.

GE to TT RP is 45RP = 1 GE

Mod GE is just a set price depending on the mod rank and RP. The GE cost goes down along with the required RP left but I don’t think it follows the same as GE to TT RP.

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if I pre-order the F/A-18С Early Pack will I have it in the dev server

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Why ?

You can just test drive it without owning it

yes but I would like to take it into a match

I would advise you to wait couple of week after the update drops before getting it


Just that the first couple of weeks after an update drops isn’t really the best time to understand a vehicle especially on day one.

I say this because when the F-14 event ended everyone and their mother was playing it and it ruined the match maker for a few weeks

ohhh ok thx

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If you ask me personally to what I would do, I would wait for a sale or if there a special pack that got it in with another aircraft perhaps then I would get it.

well I am planning to buy it when it gets released on Steam I have like 100 euros and I’m probably going to wait for a sale

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What is the pack price in euros ?

normally it’s 69,99

Ouch so just 5 pound more than us in the UK

well steam forces gaijin to put them on sale when there’s a steam sale so when I buy premium vehicles they are like on sale for 30 Euros