Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Gunjob nudged the devs about it in Firebirds, so I guess it was done unofficially .

IR signatures from what I understand have nothing to do with engine temps. But rather the thrust the engine produces:

With the thrust being increased rather notably in the coming major update and the already probelmatic nature of effective flaring in an Harrier (even ones with usable CM counts) the concern is that the situation in the next major update is becoming absolutely untennable, and no amount of flares would actually help.

With the introduction of the F-117 and its “IR Signature reduction” code that maybe a solution is now possible for the Harriers and similar code can be applied to bring the thermal signature in-line with existing airframes.

I would attempt a bug report for this, including this suggestion, but I have such a tenative grasp on what “thrust to flare ratio” is, that I would have no idea where to begin.


Why dont you just log off for while? Nothing you say is going to satisfy them. Dont put yourself through the stress, yo.

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Wdym, all he did was answer honestly and tbh i dont see whats not satisfying about that

@Smin1080p_WT Any chance you could give these reports a bump? They have been issues since they were first added several updates ago.
[DEV] AV-8B Plus missing locked target designation on HUD - This one has been reported since the AV-8B+ was added to the US during the Seek & Destroy update but has been an issue since it was added to Italy during Sons of Attila. It makes it much harder to know where the enemy is in Sim using the radar and AMRAAMs.

JHMCS missing radar symbology - This one affects pretty much all US made aircraft with HMDs. The F-16C/D, F-15C/E/J/J(M)/Baz M/I, and soon the F/A-18C Late. JHMCS should have radar symbology except it doesn’t in-game which makes tracking targets you have locked with radar much harder from cockpit view.

Eurofighter missing EEGS in Cockpit Sight / Head Up Display - This one has been an issue since the the Typhoon’s were added. The gunsight is stuck in the middle of the HUD and makes aiming whilst in cockpit view much harder.

Eurofighter HUD color Inaccuracy - With the Su-30SM and J-11B getting it’s HUD tint the Typhoon should also get it added too.


The report was on the engine temps: Community Bug Reporting System

Which affects the engine overheating and cooking itself, forcing you to operate at a lower throttle setting to prevent that from happening. But from my understanding. IR Signature with regard to missiles has nothing to do with the engine temps.

This is why an F-5 sat on full reheat is “colder” than an F-117.


They could of at least buffed AAM-4 at least that would of brought the F-15J more closer to 14.0 level.

Or even IR/UV for AAM-3 both buffs would easily be satisfactory for 14.0 if they really dont want to add F-2 for now at least its SOMETHING.


Appears to be a duplicate. This one has been forwarded: Community Bug Reporting System

Connected the two reports up.

Requires some further review. Best handled after the processing of current dev reports.

Also a duplicate. Linked with the forwarded report: Community Bug Reporting System

Will be checked.


I have an engine sound report open for the CV90s aswell

Scratch that. Internal reports already exist for this. Connected that up too.


Hi Smin, could you check on the Gripen tint while you’re at it? Report is very old now

Definetly need those tints ASAP, in SB the Typhoons HUD can be almost unusable under certain conditions

Thank you. The AV-8B+ reports looked to be dead since most were made a nearly a year ago but with nothing happening. But shouldn’t the other EEGS report be the duplicate since it was made 1 month after the one I linked? I know ultimately it doesn’t matter but still a bit weird.

But again thank you for giving those reports a bump.

Marketing truths

Once a report is forwarded that external report connects directly with the internally generated one. So whatever one gets forwarded is the “master” report so to speak. Anything else can only be attached as a duplicate.

Appears to already be forwarded. So nudged.


Would it be possible for you to nudge the Devs into adding the WT community 540lb bombs that are found on the Harrier GR.7 (and soon T.10) to other aircraft that currently carry the regular free fall 540lb (Bucc, Jag, Phantom)

You know they already have them right?

never mind, I get the wording now :D

Well played

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Imagine the roles were reversed, Sweden got the MLU1 with JHMCS but the US got a late 90s one without JHMCS, would you expect people to be satisfied with ”there are distant plans for a better version, don’t worry”?

Sir. We are talking about the Harrier here not the Hornet.