It was not for a while.
Hu… was doing it for me the last time I flew it like a month ago
I tested it some time ago, and it was ignoring my Cms. Will have to check.
jsut checked in live and its doing it either. So yeah, must have been already fixed. Just recall testing it in the last dev server I think and it was still doing it. So must have been fixed between then and now
Any word on the Gr7 getting ePaveways?
Good shout, I’ll throw a report in.
Any wider harrier news on the grape vine?
Like work for its MAWS, missing AGM-65s or Sea Harrier TLC?
Also. Only 4x 1000lb ePaveways, not 6x 500lb ones? (just going by the weapon list above). Would be nice to carry 500lbers on the outer pylons
Nothing to share.
Same again.
Paveway IV was a GR.9 thing.
While they’re adding Paveway IV and Enhanced Paveway II seemingly with their correct names, is there a chance you can convince them to rename the old laser-only UK bomb with the correct “Paveway II” name in the UI, instead of this “Mk.13” stuff we have now?
It’ll be more consistent with the other PWs at least
Pretty sure there is a report in for that somewhere.
What is a TLC? Is it just the correct HUD or…
Tender loving care.
So anything for it
In that case, it’ll never get TLC
Obs a bit late now but with the TERMA & Litening 3, should be expecting the Terma mcp-h pod & Sniper pod for the Harrier? unless they’re specifically GR9 ordinance (2008 UOR)
Gr.7 can mount Sniper, but i expect it to come with Gr.9. I dont think it can mount TERMA.
Harrier GR.9A with Sniper XR ATP
I might needed gajin add Harrier GR.9A from Royal Air Force
9A is just a 9 with stronger engine.
Never mind
But guided Air-to-Ground armament like Tornado GR.4 from dev server ?
Look at the topic. There is a huge list there.