Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Worth a try:


Yeah I have strange soft spot for the dual canopy Harriers so was pretty excited to see this one leak figured instant buy for me but 60CM? that’s just brutal, plus a MAWS with that low of a count will be more hindrance than help, even a limited BOL count would go some way to address this. This thing will face far too much IRCCM for 60 to be a suitable count.

The MAWS shouldnt be a problem too much anymore as it should only drop the correct CM when it detects an actual threat, and not whenever it sees a flare like it does on live currently. But the lack of configuration options for the MAW release does mean that using its automatic release might be sub-optimal

But yeah, defending against weak IR missiles in a harrier is a chore. IRCCM… with only 60 CMs? No Chance


The Harrier T.10 was explicitly designed to be fully combat capable. That is one of its key differences compared to the TAV-8B.


real, I look forward to the London Defence division when it comes

Neat, My 8.3 line up has a better SPAAG now


@Smin1080p_WT Is there any reason why the USS Colorado with 16 inch guns has a 50 sec reload while the IJN Mutsu and IJN Amagi get 410 mm guns with 30 sec reloads?


Ouch. 40 seconds sucked in the Rodney. 50 seconds is brutal

I find it funny that ALL american battleships get 50 sec reloads with smaller guns for “balancing purposes”, while japanese batlleships get bigger guns and 30 sec reloads, not to mention that the IJN Amagi wasnt even a battleship, it was a aircraft carrier…

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Its not a balancing thing, it can be reported. Rodney is going from 40 seconds to 35 seconds thanks to sources found (though 30 seconds might be possible for it if another source can be found)

But for some reason, gaijin wont accept the sources or something.

we already sent sooo many stuff about the American reloads, but every single answer was literally “for balancing purposes”

The original amagi was to be a battlecruiser but a treaty prevented its completion

your wrong on both counts, IJN Amagi was a Battlecruiser and sister to the IJN Akagi, Amagi was slated to be refit into an aircraft carrier but while in drydock an earthquake happened that damaged her beyond economic repair, resulting in her sister ship the Akagi being turned into an Aircraft carrier where she predominantly served with the IJN Kaga (which her self was a refit from a battleship)

Plus an earthquake which destroyed the hull

Still, it didnt get to be built as a Battlecruiser…

it was actually both Amagi and Akagi that were planed for the conversion, and Kaga was the one that took Amagi’s place after she was damaged in the earthquake

oh, my bad I thought it was the other way around, neat

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and? we have multiple unfinished ships in game, Amagi is also a decently famous Japanese battlecruiser and with gaijins ruling on not allowing the same ship in 2 different configurations I doubt they would have added Akagi as the Battlecruiser as it would lock the japanese out of one of their most famous carriers

The point is that they are contradicting themselfs, they dont wanna give the realistic reloads to American BBs due to “balancing purposes” while japanese get their fast reloads with bigger guns and overall more survivability, they dont wanna add paper/unfinished vehicles but still they add stuff like the Izmail, Kronstadt or Amagi

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Nelson-class is my favorite class of battleship, yet they really screwed up with adding her.
Her survivability ingame is crap, her 14" angled internal belt might as well be decoration. Her BL 16s have horrid shell dispersion and Gaijin gave her a long reload…

She’s supposed to be the most protected out of all of the Big Seven.

This is completely a preference thing but I also hate how they added Rodney and not Nelson… I’m not biased I swear.

The Scharnhorst also feels way too tanky ingame, in real life turtledeck isn’t nearly as effective as it is, Duke of York still managed to exploit the weaker upper belt and cause flooding.

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