Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yeah, that would be an issue, the AV-8B has 180 I believe, BOL seems reasonable here, it is an attacker after all, if the A-10A can be decked out in CMs, I don’t see why this couldn’t too

mate …
OpFor Chieftain mocked up as a T-80BV.


Yeah, AV-8B(NA) and A-10C both operate with decent CM counts at the exact same BR. 2 or 4 BOL should be fine.

A-10C with all-aspect MAWS + 480 CMs
AV-8B(NA) with 180 CMs
Su-39 with IRCM + 192 CMs

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A modern one.
AJAX, Boxer CT40, Warrior CSP

oh, you mean AFVs … I thought specifically meant a Light tank.
( I was thinking Scorpion or Scorpion 90)
anyways, CSP before the other 2, imho.

More dressed up Chieftains :

and dressed up centurions:


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Badger before Boxer
CSP before Ajax
CSP before Badger

You missed the best british light tank ever;




Soviets put more effort on that than Russians did with the Leo 2 vismod:

Thats Polish, The Chieftain-34

Yeah, you guys are buying block 4

But F-35 offers really potent lineup of capabilities, that easily put it above EFT

The biggest priority (SPAA/SAMs aside) for the British ground tree right now:
A vehicle with a recoilless rifle

Yup, would be fun, Actally any Rover would be. Wombat, MILAN or Javelin, it would be very very fun

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ow, so these folks …


Oh im well aware that it’s more capable than the Eurofighter, im just not sure if it makes strategic/economical sense for Germany to operate it rn.

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Maybe now people can stop complaining about it’s integration. That being said why is the Marines conducting the tests?

the reverse vismod:

Because lockheed has to do most of the integration code and so probably using US based ones for tests or something.

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I want me a rover Wombat it is such a silly car