Hard limit of 6 would be annoying in ASB, but a soft limit just for ground I would have no issue with. But even if no FnF could at least get the Brimstone 2s which the typhoon actually used
double standard
no lmao, gaijin fear the idea of the brimstone being an effective tool like any other AGM
sure, they done way too much this time. I think it’s the first time they break their own rule for no reason, but just make USSR great again.
Yeah, but it doesn’t get any ground attack ordinance, which is what I was getting at
Kinda hope for this one then and not a T-Series tank or a mid patton.
Lol at TVC not being important. 14 ARH though? Don’t want to bring that up?
From the video it seems the radar is working absolutely perfectly.
Why can’t they do that for other jets…?
Be grateful you have 3 boats (2 copypaste) and 1 tank (also copypaste hopefully not)! /s
Dev updating I think?
Meanwhile giving israel mavericks just because
Honestly who knows, although I would put money on why
Well, “technicly could use and seen with such weapons” and “havent seen and not mentioned anywhere” are different.
MLU1 was basically just HMD and IFF, as it currently stands it shouldn’t even have IFF, what is the point of that
They gave us mavericks because they are too lazy to model our CAS weaponry, don’t get it confused
dunno, maybe it is as bad as Chinas new addition - rockets only?
no ,i think both is better
I dont
Doesn’t even have HMD but thr US model does. Why bother even adding the Finnish Hornet?