Did ouer “beloved” BVVD said anything else in the Russian stream about japan getting somthing this update next to the ships and the not even planned F-2?
If plane “A” Fires at 40km and plane “b” waits to fire at 19km , plane B is dead. BVR is a battle of back and forth firing until you close the gap and fire at the point of no return. The whole goal of firing at 40km isnt to kill, its to push your enemy defensive so you can close the gap and fire a more deadly missle. Most people go defensive to late because they try and close the gap to fire a missle closer to the 9km range. Yes 19km and under is more effective, but you also need to have a missle in the air before that to force your enemy defensive. The kills at 40km aim120 is becuase players are bad and just fly in a straight line trying to get closer unaware that a tws aim120 is already 75% of the way to them. Ive had games in f15e where i launch 6 aim120 at the red team flying to the right at 40km mach 1.6 7km up, and i smack 4 of them that didnt defend at all.
A thai tank.
Dear Russian speakers, please, please tell me they’ve dropped some hints that Israel is getting something else?
SURELY they wouldn’t just sell a Netz bug fix for $80 and call it a day?
Not talking to you, the F-18 is the Finnish one
You are literally getting a UFO where there was ONE (1) version and it crashed because it was made so poorly. And now you get 14 ARH and TVC ON RELEASE.
They can implement those so easily, but other new jets facing a stupid amount of bug reports LMFAO
Isn’t that one 14.0 too?
guess he doesnt like Japan😔
Did they say this? Lol
Thai M60 :(
Even more so because i can tell you rn it is the same weight as the US model, lmao gaijin just loves screwing us over every chance they get.
Well @quartas121 you guys got what you want. The US has the best version.
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Honestly feels like it, they added it and have since simply ignored bug reports and only act on them when they feel like it, maybe there are some underlying issues within the gaijin dev team that mean they aren’t showing their full support for the nation in game ??
better not💀
does india use the KH38MT? if so thank god because if it is a Su30MK1 I can bully russian players to see how they like it lmao
Yes BvvD did, he suggested it would come as event
So, now Su-30 is the meta CAS, can we finally get Brimstone buffs this major update I wonder
the Su-30SM doesn’t use it, let alone the MKI