Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Preferably 14.7


Maybe, I don’t know.

My point is;

F-15C, F-16C, F-15E, F/A-18E, the Eurofighters… they are all honestly starting to feel kinda the same when they all have the exact same armament that was introduced back in Sons of Atilla back in 2023.

They look different, but… they play practically the same and, at the end of the day, have practically the same capabilities in the meta.

I think I would kinda like the 2020s F/A-18Es and EF-2000s to have a different, more advanced feel than the F-16s and F-15s from the 1980s-1990s.

Like… can you imagine if, in Ground Battles, we still had Leopard 2A7s and T-90Ms armed only with DM33 and 3BM42?

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They are the same. Just different models.

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The F/A-18E can carry 12 AMRAAMs.

In theroy the 18E can still out bvr both of them if Gaijin gives it the Aim-174 missile.


Hopefully not, as the 174 would completely break the game, but then again this is Gaijin we’re talking about.

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Like… its so fun.
F-18 with 10 AMRAAMS, but we cant get an F-2 with 4 AAM-4’s and 4 Aim-9L’s…

@WreckingAres283 @MAUSWAFFE


So f18e under f14b or av8b ?

That is generally a problem air is getting to now, which ground has already ran in to a while ago. There just won’t be that much of a difference between new version or hell just new aircraft.

Some planes are also just simply better when it comes to how WT is, and always will be better. The Hornet might be great irl, but because of how the game works/plays it’ll always be incredibly mid if Gaijin doesn’t super buff/undertier it.

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What part is copium?

Oh, this update might not be a skip update to me, as if the Harry Hopkins does come this update I’d have something I’m interested in.

12 AMRAAM+2 sidewinders is not 14.0 material ?!

18C only carries 10x amraam.

also guess what, the F-15C already carries 8 amraams at 13.7. You know the difference between the 15C and 18C? the 15C is an actually good airframe.

Oh and don’t forget the Su-27SM with 8x R-77 and 4x R-73.

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Please understand, fatass F-16 with 4 Fox3s and AESA (which we already have in game) would be too much for the game)))))))))))))


needs 120C-8 to make up for low speed

Gajin give me The Rah-66 and my life will be yours !

Well yeah, but still, they would be very uncommon.

A super hornet?? I did NOT see that coming

it doesn’t need anything, more advanced fox-3s will come when the maps and game is ready for them, not to appease US players getting a jet that won’t be Meta defining for once

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Baade 150 for Germany

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I do kind of agree with this. Not every new plane needs to push/define the meta, it’s okay to just add filler/fodder planes too. Especially iconic ones.

Flight perform generally worse. If we get BLK 1, same radar as a late C. If BLK 2, we get AN/APG-79 AESA radar.

By the way, there is always the F/A-18C+, operated by USMC that we could get instead of plain C

Personally, it would be really cool if they gave both the IRST21 sensor integrated on centerline fuel tank