Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

probably we have the answers later this year or early 2026 (remembering that gaijin says this year will be only sub trees) but it’s pretty much probably the Polish Leo 2 keeps in the german tree and there’s where my worries go to

It was good enough/hitting directly on target and not much of an issue in the time of development. And ofc, cost. IIRC it was a lot cheaper then other systems at the time.

It seems we aren’t going to see any new sub trees this update.


so it didn’t have proxy fuse in early version? it’s crazy

F-15E would be better by not being outranged by everyone in bvr unlike f18 which will barely break mach 1 with 14 missiles


Yeah, so depending on which missiles they give tracked rapier, those decrying osa which has the best proxy fuse system for the UK currently might be eating their words, lol.

f18e also has a lower TWR (0.93 vs 0.96 on f18c)

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Not every nation needs to get everything. Chinese and Swedish tree still don’t have a navy, for example.

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it’s a tiny difference, not a big problem, and I remember F-18E’s engine will be much better in high altituade, it may fill and go beyond the gap

China uses H-6, basically TU-16, but upgraded many times during decades, now used as long range missile launcher. France has Mirage IV, similar to TU-22.

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It’ll still be pretty damn slow in terms of acceleration and top speed compared to it’s competition. That 23-26% weight increase from the 18C to the 18E is really going to hurt it in game.

It’ll be a missile bus without any of the redeeming qualities that missile buses usually have.

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F-18E has AESA radar but has worse acceleration, TWR, and climb rate than F-18C or even F-15E. What BR should it be placed at if given AIM-120A and AIM-9M?

  • 13.3
  • 13.7
  • 14.0
0 voters

14.0 and it’s not even a debate
10 AMRAAM+ 2 sidewinders should never meet 12.7 let alone 12.3 aircrafts


Honestly, I think it should be 14.0, BUT with AIM-120C instead of AIM-120A.

I don’t know, but having several planes on the same tree with the exact same armament is starting to feel a bit boring.

F-16C? AIM-120A and AIM-9M.
F-15C? Same.
F-15E? Same.
F/A-18E…? Make it feel a bit like an upgrade already!

Same goes for the Eurofighters. These being limited to 120Bs and 9Ms just feels… off, as well. Specially when we already have stuff like MICAs flying around.

All of this should come, of course, with further decompression.

Ideally the EFT, Rafale, F-15E and maybe Su-30SM (if/when added) get moved to 14.3, the F/A-18E gets added to 14.0 with 120A/B/9M and the better performing 13.7 jets get moved to 14.0 as well.

Further buffing one of by far the best jets in game is a horrible idea tho (I don’t include bug fixes as buffs, as these buffs shouldn’t be there to begin with).


That’s copium. Not like the BRs aren’t compressed enough already.
Plus if they really add a premium F-18 ( IT WONT BE TOP TIER TRUST) it’s gonna create a clusterf*ck you’ve never ever seen before

It’s the Super Hornet too, so 12 AMRAAMs + 2 Sidewinders

Watch gaijin add the 14.3 br just so that they can sell 14.0 premiums while keeping the “we don’t sell top br vehicles” farce going

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No, i know.
But giving strategic bombers would only benefit the main four.

Thus increasing the disbalance with the main four nations and minor nations even more…

So much in this case, that the only way to play that gamemode is by playing the main four.

Limiting gameplay to surtain nations is always bad, people are currently asking for the Chinese and Swedish navy.
Also asking for TT heavy tanks for Italy, Japan and Sweden, because battlepass, daily and expert tasks are limited to nations who have these.

Look at the current C&P shenanigans, why would anyone want to play surtain nations if they can play the main four instead. Then they will also receive more vehicles and gameplay options when playing the game.

So limiting gameplay and content to surtain nations isnt good for the overall health. Especially, since the nations receiving them, are also the ones played the most, thus decreasing the amount of people playing the already playerbase lacking nations.

Cold War Strategic bombers! :D

Other than the obvious…

B-36, B-52, B-58, XB-71 (RIP), B-1
Tu-95, Tu-16, Tu-22, Tu-22M
Valiant, Victor, Vulcan

Lesser known…

Mirage IV
Tu-16 (H-6)

And the stretch cases:

Kawasaki P-1
Boeing P-8
P-3 Orion
Boeing P-8


the F/A-18C isn’t 14.0 material, never was. So not really a reason for them to add 14.3.