Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I support the addition of the hornet, and think it deserves to be in the game, but it should be treated as a more niche aircraft which can sit at 13.7 with improvements in CAS and A-A performance to something like a F-16C but trading Flight performance and avionics.

Personally I am excited for the addition of a top tier Finnish air craft since I enjoy vehicles from my nation being recognised in game, but also am hesitant to see it being forced to be something it isn’t (a meta jet) and shouldn’t be expected to compete with the Eurofighter/Rafale, and instead the F-16C and Gripens


Disregard that one.
Well, for the most part. F-18E, even though it may have a worse FM, will still be able to smack hard, in the hands of a sentient player of course

It’s just going to basically be a Sholef and probably a higher BR

And we all know how wonderful the sholef is

It requires AN/APG-79 to be 14.0 though

Bad leak list, I am thoroughly disappointed

Russia, Japan, China and Sweden need 14.0s


Disappointed in the leak itself or its contents?


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Russia will most likely get the Su-30. Not so sure about the others

Oh wow thats perfect.

That gives USA, USSR, Britain, France, China, and Germany all true strategic bombers.

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Finnish hornet and something like a J-10B or J-15 is the BARE MINIMUM at this point, we cannot have air rb be completely dominated by Eurocanards for too much longer, it’s becoming stale

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France is Mirage 4 right?


Yup. Im particularly disappointed in the lack of any rumors/leaks or really anything regarding F-2. If that F-18E comes with AESA that makes it the second AESA fighter coming with yet still no sign of the F-2.

Now the update is still upon us so well see what additional things we get but not looking good.


3rd* kfir C.10 has aesa

Oh right yes thats even worse

Me too, but because both CLOVIS variants are premium for some reason

I could understand one of them being premium and still giving people the option of getting it for free in another tree, but both trees? Really?

It feels like every tank I’ve wanted for the past couple updates is made premium. Like the BMD-4M


When the F-2A comes it better is as OP as everyone was saying, including Gaijob


Su-30 might not be 14.0 depending on how hard gaijin butchers it. But for arguments sake I’ll assume it will be.

Japan could get the F-2A, but that’s a worse F-15JM that can’t carry extra ARHs. They need a subtree like Singapore or Indonesia for an advanced Eagle similar to the F-15E.

China can get the J-10B or J-11B

Sweden needs a subtree like Norway or Denmark to bring an AESA F-16 to get a 14.0. They are the worst off.

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make them equal. any difference may lead to endless complain, that’s what happend before, in DF-105 and SK-105

3rd, don’t forget about the Kfir C.10

Neither have AESA, they used AM/MLU F-16As until receiving the F-35, best hope for sweden is the F/A-18C MLU or JAS-39E