Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


Watch your words. 9.3 Rapier with Mk.1 only. Have fun.

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I’m just curious, since adding some types of vehicles the majority didn’t have, will even furthur remove players from already low-playerbase nations.

Since an entire way of playing is going to be limited towards the already high-playerbase nations.

Thus making minor nations even more minor.

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I thought the ZA-HVM was limited only to 12km? which I agree is still better then the Pantsir but its still far from being on par with the Pantsir

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12km is effective range. 15 is max. At 12 you expect to hit something, at 15 if it flies in a straight line.


at least that would be kinda cool lol, (would prefer that since it would give a reason to use it)

I must be the only deranged who actually likes to have more than 1 SAM on the lineups, hahahah.

In China, I have both HQ17 and TOR-M1; and, in Japan, I have both Type 81 (C) and Type 93.

To me, in general, the more (and ideally better) tools to fight C*S, the better.

I guess its better then the 10km of a ADATS but again still far call from the 18km of a pantsir

Why do you think im trying to get 10 Makrsmans in total???!?!?!?

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I normally run 2 as well, but it is a little goofy having 5 at the same br

Can’t deny it. Far from Pantsir, more of a Crotale NG equivalent.

yeah, im just hoping for the Skysabre soon, even if it came with out radar and only IRST I would be fine with that

still will be same BR, like ITO-90M. and also, Rapier, OSA, and Strela are 3 different things, but just in same br. you can’t be double standard in same situation because you think Pantsir is better so you want it.

and similar for pantsir, it’s effective range is not 18. and it paid it’s missile’s maneuverability for other advantages.

how about t-90ms? india ordered,but russian did’t send a single one for for years…

what double standard?? my issue wasnt it being indian, it was having 5 spaas at the same BR? if that is a double standard idk what to tell you buddy

wont come, not to mention its not much better then the Bishma from what we know

no , t 90ms is even powerful than t90m in fact

I wonder, if an HAD/E would it comingas Prem with Spikes which would be an 12.0 or limited to Hellfire and be an France Copy of the HAD at 11.0

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Actually its much better than Bishma.