Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

sorry mixed up the Mk3 and the MS, still I doubt it will come since they were never delivered (like how technically germany should have Su27S but the Soviets never delivered them)

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Chief do you ever wonder why the same subject comes up every RR thread? (rhetorical)

Anyway is France gonna get the DF105 to match the CLOVIS, given that they are from the same joint Franco-German project?


Thats fair enough.

the T-90Mk3 is kinda neat but from what I know its minor upgrades over the Bishma I think

I think 2 SPAA in same BR is also similar situation, Pantsir and HVM, even 3(G6 and ZA), if Gaijin is kind enough(impossible though).

The T-90M isn’t particularly strong at 12.0 in game anyway, so something equal to that tank isn’t that game changing for Britain.

there is a bit of a difference between 5 and 2

Sure. Sadly its never going to be possible to satisfy everyone and there will always be those that will keep asking the same question(s) in hope of the answer changing. Everyone is more than entitled to a personal opinion and to express that. It just goes a little overboard when its mostly the exact same singular topic over and over again (India / Britain) from the same individuals. That becomes a bit extreme.

As we have previously mentioned, we plans for France in this regard. But not in this major update.

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I’d say its pretty good and valuable tank.


I know 100% going to get a “wait and see” but are we potentially going to see any cold war artillery vehicle which are not Russian/Soviet this patch? Asking for the derp cannon gang ^^

(105mm smol derps count too!)

I have an feeling the Italien PzH 2000 could come this patch which was added last patch

at least in pervious updates we only normally get 1 kinda derp guns, I guess last patch we did get the Pzh 2000 and the M44s so maybe? but I kinda doubt it

I’d point your attention at the word “additional”.


5 but in 4 totally different type, I would call it diversity. Stoemer HVM has its own type, Stormer AD is a manpad carrier with a gun, Strela-10 is high maneuverability IR missile but shorter range, OSA and Rapier are SACLOS.

cool, believe what you wanna, I’m not gonna try to argue with you when your clearly not listening to the point

Sorry, maybe I’m reading it wrong but “additional information from Mike’s list” suggests, to me, your list was created by combining information from your sources and others’, in which case I see no reason some of the things on Mike’s list should be excluded from yours.

Everyone excited for Hornet?

Me too.



Try grinding with the mi 24
Germany in fact does need a better alternative
Germany was part of the tiger development and spainnhas no home in the game so its a fiar implementation.
Only other place would be france but they do already have equivalents themself

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Just saying. They can both be right.
Same variant just differenr versions