Oh my god…i just notice…a trailer update with a quality of a teaser…jesus
missed opportunity for hummel tho.
Gaijin spent all the money on Air Superiority trailer, they gotta keep the revenue above 100K a week you know
maybe alot of bug fixes too who knows?
Both should’ve been featured together TBH, would be nice to have some sort of dynamic that doesn’t include US / USSR for once. China is a superpower, Japan has their last teaser chance right now, let them have this…
Uh sure lemme take out that object 195 covered by two hornet CAP which can fire 10 amraams with like
Oh, glide bombs and AGM that tracks at a mere 8km
which one is censored
VFA-81 used F/A-18Cs I believe, that would make this one the F/A-18C (early) so the premium one
From those 15s from the trailer where they werent showing only those 2 jets, we will probalby see reword of 3 maps
us f-18 killed an SU-22 in syria, not mig-21
Definitely not Hungary(get them out of the tree oh god)
we almost see a few vehicles in trailer but THANKS
they killed migs during the gulf war iirc
The mig21 kill was over Iraq, over Syria it was more commonly known as an obsolete attacker throwing off an AIM9X
Nope 🤣
We have yet to see how it’s modeled or if it’s even usable…just looking at everything else added in the past 2 years
Yeah most likely
Hungary wouldnt be bad, if Gaijin wouldnt be lazy in adding a original/ modified vehicles into the TT and not just copy and paste one. Like it is in most of sub -tts
Not really a fan of early late designation. They should just call the premium one A+
aha yes
A sentiment I will agree with 100 times over. If J-11B and F-2 are showcased tomorrow in dev, then I’m gonna make a comment to someone that they need to get over this old dichotomy of US vs Russia that incessantly is repeated in their trailers.