Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah, it’s an Iraqi Mig-21.
Spotted first by my friend, and I verified the flag as well.

Sadly just a skin for the Mig-21BIs SAU as a trailer prop.

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yes it was iraq flag, i thought its syria flag

Where are all the WW2 planes we were promised?!?

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so long as it gets AIM-9Ms I’m buying it straight away, I’ve been after a Gulf War era Hornet for ages, 12.7 or 13.0 sucking as BRs be damned xD

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Next year…probably

bro too many new tanks

It was long overdue yeah lol I wonder if the pre order will come with any cool liveries though. Gulf War era jets are really interesting

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I know, but this one is incredibly short and just blatantly uninteresting. It’s so bleak I just can’t believe this is all. They didn’t even show TVC in action, just calm flying…


sorry guys i eated the second half of teaser as clearly evident

you guys can see all vehicles in dev blog right now?

Are you high?

Not to be a hater, I love the war thunder trailers, some of my favorite parts of the updates, like I mean:


But this:

I just feel like it didn’t do it justice, and the trailer was much shorter than usual. Just see last years Alpha Strike Trailer March update teaser for comparison. You can say it’s fine and I wouldn’t argue, but to me it felt lackluster in comparison to the F-14/15/16 reveals. Well the whole trailer just felt lackluster to me, compared to the precedent set by trailers in the past.

I think this summarizes it perfectly:

Even if the trailer didn’t do it justice imo, at least the game will:

10 Aim-120s and an amazing FM will be a great addition! Oh well, that’s just my take, what about yall?


you think they will add swiss f-5 to germany this update?

The last fun era for War Thunder combat IMO, once we got AMRAAMs and HMD on everything it just went downhill

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WT trailers/teasers are simmilar to what i remember were Assasin’s Creed Trailers. Pure cinema

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Is the amazing FM in the room with us right now?

Also it can’t carry AMRAAMs on the tips.

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I’m only interested in getting a Hornet in a configuration that puts it at the lowest possible BR, so something like AIM-9Hs and AIM-7Fs on a F/A-18A

probably not

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It’s just how it is. Outside of exceptions like Apex Predators and Air Superiority, most of the teasers are just showcasing vehicles that are 100% going to be in the update.

Now if we have the choice between delaying F-2 so it has a teaser spot next update or having it quietly be added this update, I’m choosing the latter as I don’t care if it’s in the teaser or not.

I still rewatch the trailer and listen to some of the songs from them on the regular!

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