never touching the game sadly
So jank lol
I don’t work with bug reports. But shells would wildly spread in real life with wind and weight and lots of physics stuff I don’t understand
Yeah, but I dont think anywhere to the degree they do in game, especially at both the ranges you fight at and the “perfect” nature of ship performance, aiming, etc. If anything accuracy in game should be far far higher than it was IRL, and yet, it feels much worse.
Additionally things like wind arent modeled in game, and so should have no impact on dispersal.
British 15" guns I beleieve were widely reported to be far more accurate than Scharnhorsts guns. And yet Scharnhorst is pin-point accurate in game.
A rework was apparently coming. So we’ll have to wait and see. Would make sense to come with both the Rodney overhaul and Warspite
I can confirm british gun dispersion is ridiculous given i was involved in a small way with the experiments performed
I am looking forward to that as well.
I know, that’s why I like it so much. Ram jet missile just look sick af and are usually amongst the most capable in their class :p
Has a cool shape yes
there’s this thing, shaped like a long tube, containing a chunky amount of explosives, and exploding under the waterline
Is called a torpedo, and it’s damn effective at dealing with heavily armored ships
Not to mention, Yamato at war thunder ranges has its own weak spot for regular shells
Adding nuke shells would just open a new can of worm. for example : being a massive ouiaboo, let’s just imagine for a second that i’m dissatisfied with the obviously not OP 6xAASM on the Rafale, because “it’s only 6 free kills and it only makes little booms instead of big ones”. I would start asking for my GPS guided ASMP-A, so i can fire it the moment i spawn and it kills every enemy currently present on the map.
Everyone and its grand mother would start asking for its nuke in one shape or an other.
Why are we even talking now about Nuke shells for BBs?
How Off-Topic do you want to be?
R&R: YES!!!
I wish i new…
Any news about the CTA 40 gun equipped VBCI that appeared a while back ?
Seems to have disappeared from leak lists.
Hope they add one for UK as well if it comes to VBCI, since it’s a bileteral development
Hm, as used to as the just horrible RP gain in Naval?
Time for Ajax
There are 2 vehicles equipped with it in the UK right ? Warrior and Ajax if memory serves.
Can’t remember which one is legacy and which one is still being built to this day
If I remember correctly naval RP got massively buffed in last years with the 2024 roadmap.
sorry, that lines already reserved for the budget leopards from india
Yea, and thats the sad part… because the RP gain is still pretty much 0
Warrior Verdi II would be awesome fun to have actually as it would give us a Hybrid like the LAV-AD is
Ajax is the new IFV that has just entered service
Ok got it, that’s clearer now. Thx !