the us just needs a fast agile car of any kind
@quartas121 I’ve done an AI test because why not and here it is,
The story of the Thai F/A-18 is a bit of an oddity in military aviation history. In short, Thailand was supposed to get the F/A-18 Hornet, but the deal never went through due to financial troubles.
How It Started: The 1996 Purchase Deal
In the mid-1990s, the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) was looking to modernize its fleet. At the time, Thailand had a strong economy and good relations with the U.S., so they decided to order 8 F/A-18 Hornets from McDonnell Douglas (which later merged with Boeing). These jets were meant to complement their existing F-16 fleet.
The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
Before the aircraft could be delivered, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis hit Thailand hard, causing severe economic problems. The Thai government could no longer afford to pay for the Hornets, so the deal was canceled before any deliveries took place.
What Happened to the F/A-18s?
Since the jets were already built, the U.S. Navy ended up taking them and using them instead. So, while Thailand technically ordered the F/A-18, they never actually received any.
What Did Thailand Get Instead?
After recovering financially, Thailand looked for a more affordable alternative. Instead of the Hornet, they eventually purchased Swedish JAS 39 Gripens in the late 2000s, which now serve as the RTAF’s primary fighter alongside their F-16s.
Thailand was close to becoming an F/A-18 operator, but due to financial struggles, the deal fell through. The Thai Hornets were essentially rerouted into U.S. Navy service, and Thailand later opted for the Gripen instead.
I suppose F/A-18C for premium tree equipments older researchable tree
F/A-18C early (desert storm) with AN/APG-73(Phase I) radar, AIM-9L & AIM-9M, AIM-7P, AIM-120A and AN/AAS-38A NITE HAWK pod .or desert storm era with AIM-9L & AIM-9M, AIM-7M and AN/AAS-38 NITE HAWK pod
F/A-18C (Iraqi Freedom) outfitted AN/APG-73(Phase II) radar or (2020’s) AN/APG-79(V)4 AESA radar, JHMCS, AIM-9M-8, AIM-7P (Blk 2), AIM-120C-3 & AIM-120C-5 and AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR or AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening (AT or G4) pod
The next USA fighter aircraft pre-order better F-20A and BR higher 12.3 ?
Could be worse, they could deny US ground vehicles this update because “hurr durr US got 4 Hornets this update”.
omg new trailer
Great for larping black hawk down
“Seriously worse flight performance” for which??
I still don’t know whether C or E would have better one; I know E has better engines, but it is also heavier.
Or did C Late have the same engines?
herm yes nice, very nice trailer indeed.
God I wish I could remember the name of those little chinese vehicles with big guns that are meant to be operated by just one man
that one is PAV Badger
Until they release a 14.0 jet or a 12.0 tank Gaijin has said they have not released a Top Tier premium. I still believe to this day that is why the M1A1 clickbait along with other tanks are 11.7 and not 12.0 despite their almost equal performance.
Alright. This site says that there was a initial payment but the order was not fully paid for, and Thailand willingly canceled the oreer. US ended up paying th majority of the costs for them. Thailand Cancels F/A-18 Buy; Pakistan May Sue | Arms Control Association
The F/A-18E is worse, it has new engines but it is also heavier, and the engines sadly don’t make up for it.
Thats not what i meant when i said Tank Man
do they have agm-65s
tbh they already have the basic model for a jeep ingame you can see them on several maps as destructible objects
fine you got me there, i searched a little bit but couldnt find anything
i guess im just mentally ill and i make up scenarios in my head cluegi
OH! Then F/A-18C Late is actually better (minus the 2 missiles)?
Then I am happy, hahahah.
Yeah but hey they were built ! so it’s up to gaijin to see what is the best for them