Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Let me know if you find it, but I don’t recall there being an official statement about wether the Eurofighter would be coming in 2024 or 2025 until the Eurofighter devblog

I don’t ever remember Gaijin making that statment.

Its one of those socket wrenches with the flexible handle

not gonna look for it, im too lazy D: it was just something i remember being mention, but as i said i have a memory of a goldfish so yeah

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To be fair, it does say “as of now”

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I really do hope France gonna soon have a Mirage 2000 premium ! (Mirage 2000-5F MkII, Mirage 2000-9…)

USA have 4 premium rank 7 and one premium rank 8, another one is coming (probably rank 8), meanwhile France have just one premium plane at rank 7…

(And don’t start me on ground premium)

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While other nations should get a rank 8 air prem too the mirage f1c isnt bad for now, what france needs is some sort of proto leclerc prem

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Counterinsurgency focused BP with OV-10A(tier 2), Strb 90(tier 3) and V150(tier 5) would be cool ngl

back in june when asked about the rafale coming, smin answered by saying that it wasn t planned to come this year

Buddy you dont want the American ground high tier premium situation.

We have like 8 models of m8 lights in game (including one in the regular british tree) and none in the regular American tree

Never trust gaijin until you need to

its in the same year they released supersonic update, and it takes a while to develop a new yet, and fix the bugs they prob ended up seeing after testing the mach 1 jets

Yeah, I do think if you put Thai ADATS on a truck it technically works. Issue is I haven’t seen what they use to transport it, so it might be enclosed (meaning it can’t fire).

And of course it doesn’t have radar, since that’s separate for Thai ADATS.

But if there is a mobile form of it, it’d be a unique addition for sure!

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It’s impossible to balance it, unfortunately. turboprop with missiles that are already in the game in 11.0. Guided bombs…

Perhaps it’s not bad, surely better than at the release, but a lot of other nations have access to more “enjoyable” choice.

Also i’m just more fan of Mirage 2000 shape than the F1, personnal tastes.