i still hate the fact that they added 2 leopards copy pasta instead of fixing leclerc problems, like yk, using an old shell smh
That’s the Leclerc XLR in the picture, still not here so yeah, suffering :p
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I have a loooong history with this lil junk heap.
or stop using for ALL Leclercs variants the same armor data from Swedish trial where it was a proto Leclerc sent, not even a S1
Huh, that sounds a lot like the Gripen being announced way too early by a tech mod situation.
But plans do change over time and there was quite some time between June and December.
It is true that such a statement is a contradiction though
Perhaps not to be on the same story, but there is surely an in-between to have.
How to explain that this little guy would have to be 9.0 if he came to the game…
As an American main i do feel you there
So is there any chance that f18 or su-30mki can come to uk?since swe can get f18c late ,for the same reason, indian su-30mki should come
Plot twist we are getting nothing but ww1 vehicles this update
At least your end of the line Abrams is not the same as the first one xD
France got a lot of love last year. 2024 was definitely the Year of France in War Thunder.
- Air subtree
- Massive expansion of Naval including much-anticipated vessels like La Gal, Mogador, and Dunkerque
- Coastal
- Rafale
- Lots of new support vehicles in Ground
Yes, source: my uh idk
I never got why people get mad about Gaijin evolving and developing the game by introducing new content form new eras.
They say: “War Thunder was about WW2 and early Cold War, and it should never have gone past that!”
Well, it so happens that the playerbase only spiked when we started getting into modern eras; and, to this day, an ENORMOUS portion of the playerbase find ourselves mostly on the modern era tiers. There’s a reason why 90% of the Marketing revolves around modern vehicles.
Hell, the primary source of revenue is Top Tier Premiums because, spoiler, most of us are indeed interested in Top Tier because it’s the Rank of the modern era vehicles.
If Gaijin hadn’t dived into the modern era, leaving aside the enormous playercount increase that it involved, War Thunder would have run out of content several years ago, and therefore, source and revenue. The game would probably be DEAD already.
Hell, I remember how even back in 2014 many of us were already excitedly looking forward to the future in hopes of seeing modern vehicles in War Thunder.
Would not bother me.
again, as i said, unless they half assed the release of update supersonic, there was no way they could have not be developing supersonic jets when they stated that, as even they said that the internal tests went wrong. the statement and the update is literally in the same year.