Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

North Korea players when they meet South Korea players:


Stingers being balanced based on russian sources moment

F18C as Premium and TT
Then someone should tell me again it’s not about Cashgrab

That wasnt “whining enough” at least for OSA there was literally like, 1 thread with 4 people saying “this would be neat”, smin going “prob not sorry” guys going “aw thats a shame, thanks for replying” and then smin going “change of plan boys! Time for some Chicken Vindaloo!”

may be dramatised for public enjoyment

Dont remember the strela much, I think there was a bit of begging but not so much crazy whining and accusations of bias/hate like with the franco-germanic stuff xD

What I remember in “whining” was people trying to demand they DONT get added.

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It didn’t appear on the list of mike

Also what gaijin says and ends up doing are often very different

Gaijin: No eurofighter in 2024, maybe 2025
also gaijin: releases eurofighter at the end of 2024
so called, tomfoolery

Gaijin never said they wouldn’t add the Eurofighter in 2024

I personally would love to see that plane come to the game!

I get a sense the “india is not enough for a full tree” statement is more ~stona~ them just throwing out some nonsense on the spot to justify the unpopular indian tree without backtracking rather than the result of an in-depth survey of what india has tbh


im like 99% sure that somebody associated with gaijin said that eurofighter will not come in 2024

altho i do have a memory of a goldfish

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Gaijin: We wont release no top tier premium

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Meme updated



People see U.S getting F-18A and F-18C as them being handheld, but honestly, I find it like a hassle, hahahah.

I was interested in the more capable one, F-18E; and it appears that one won’t be coming…

Instead, two F-18s that will be rather pointless on the meta they will dive in, and which will probably not even be foldered and rather just be more grind towards F-18E whenever it comes later.

Well- if F-18C LATE has the upgraded AESA radar, maybe it will be worth it! We will have to see which weapons and BR it gets .

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Gaijin: we will not add mach capable jets into the game
Gaijin now: skibidi sigma supercruise fox 3 missile slingers update

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And the Germans. I.e the AMD 50mm

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Thai F-18s aren’t too unreasonable. Thailand was a full F/A-18C/D buyer and bought 8 airframes. The first payment of 75M was done, the first few were finished and about to be delivered, all had Thai serials.

Only when the Asian Financial Crisis hit in 1997 they had to cancel the deal, the remaining aircraft (including the 4 C models) were finished as twin seat D models and given to USMC.


Well it’s price tag will probably be $80.

Me when im in a tomfoolery contest and my opponents is gaijin


They could add the super tucano, it has missiles similar to the 9L and a better CAS arsenal than many planes in the game xxd

what the hell is skibidi sigma