Are the adding the carriers with the squadron ai and how will the impilement the loadouts if they do ?
good, made no sense anyway
I don’t see them adding Thai F/A-18s, no matter how much people beg for them
As for Switzerland, well, it’s not a subtree.
Apparently they fold now if you whine enough. Just ask the french and brits.
ill be honest, i dont think that there are any nations left that could be added as a standalone anymore, just combined ones, and i dont think it would be a bad idea to combine stuff like poland czech and mostly use their original designs, with the least amount of copy paste possible (ofc top tier will be a copy pasta because its just how it is in the modern times), idk how about brazil and the other nations.
Brit’s you mean Germans’s
It’s actually pretty wild, if the leaks so far are true we’re getting most of the vehicles on that decal in just the first update.
No i mean the whole osa strela thing
there would’ve been no reason to use the Super regardless.
Ah yeah but still German moaned too
Based on their claim that India wouldn’t have enough vehicles to be its own tree I would say that there isn’t a single nation out there left to be added as a standalone nation.
Brazilian line with a subtree is enough for a complete line
Turkey or the koreas
And its a known fact theyre working on poland
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I think it is extremely reasonable to give it only to the United States or to all of us, only to the United States and Sweden is unreasonable
If those had enough vehicles to become standalone trees, India would have enough as well.
i would shart if they combined both koreas into one
Also what gaijin says and ends up doing are often very different
No F/A-18E ?