Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s the British tree, not the commonwealth tree.


bot air tankers in air battles is just a nice cool fun thing

no more need to go to base for fuel
(wish they could give you weapon too lol)

Dev blog nigh? Or will it be friday? All these boats is making me mad!!!

Commonwealth could have been sub-tt. Mix of vehilces from the main 3 countires (Canada, Australia and India) “mix” like they did for France sub-tt. Didnt need to be JUST India for sub -tt

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not really, the only one I can think of where a US or Russian jet didnt take up the entire trailer is the last one and thats because they would never have gotten away with it when the EFT and Refale was added

Your question was which one “deserves”. Well that would be the F-2 i mean its been teased to JP players since the F-16AJ and could of had multiple variants by now. Its introduction as first AESA fighter was even already taken by Rafale so yeah it deserves some spot light at least.


What about the dance of dragons?

They would get shot down in first 30 seconds of a battle

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Well, could have been, but that hasn’t happened and likely isn’t going to change.



respawn lol

lol fixed it, skipping school for the update trailer so i’m a little tired from staying up late

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Forgotten army once again goes forgotten I guess.


Yeah…especialy trying to make Gaijin change something is almost impossible unless you go nuclear every time which can get annoying

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Weak. Need to get stonger young one

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Kept being teased for 2 full years and now is added even after peers like the Eurofighter and Rafale, one of which got the first AESA over it. F-2 deserves the teaser now


Ahh ok i’ll skip the entire week of the update.

you say that but the A-10C and Su-24M got as much if not a little more time then the J10 did, and you have to remember they are ground attackers not even top end fighters

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Exactly, which is why we need to get on with the fact that India is a subtree, an people should’t go ballistic at every single Indian vehicle suggested for the British tree