Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

sorry russian and american top tier jets are comming they will make up 90% of the trailer

Waitin for a Su30MKK/MK2 or J16 so China can have cas that isn’t 2 glorious 500kg glide bombs))

The new top teir american jet amit even gonna be good and that makes me sad :(

Britain was also in the Pacific, and the Australian head of state is still Charles III, also there are already 14 Australian vehicles in the UK tree as opposed to 1 in the US


It’s gonna be ok in the right hands. Plus strike eagle is probs still best plane for bvr

Indians would have been better represented by their own tech tree, or just as represented as they are currently by putting their vehicles wherever they fit best instead of cramming stuff that is completely unrelated to Britain into the British tree

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check your network connection and lower the graphic settings

also upgrade your graphic card driver

Yeah but still this is probably why it won’t become a sub tree.

The commonwealth has always been a part of the British tree

or maybe there is more japan players here in the topic lol

The commonwealth hasn’t. Canada and Australia have.
But Canada and Australia also are part of other trees.

If the F-2 is coming this update, it’d probably be the last chance for Japan to take the spotlight with a unique vehicle


The F-2A is a beast of a machine thats only showed up in Ace Combat games and would be nice to be ssen in something other then an Ace Combat game


Technically India was part of Commonwealth so it do be make sense

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Yeah ik, I just wish the hornet was better irl lol. Unless sim gets changes where carrier based aircraft are actually need with SEAD then the hornets gonna be DOA

doesnt stop it from taking up most of the trailer

What time are we thinking for the trailer

I got to 21:00 and I had to pause GHUHAHAHAHAHAAH

They are part of other trees now, but they’ve always been a part of the British tree

Fair but honestly gaijin has been getting better with their trailers.