Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It’s not too late for India to become its own thing.

Didn’t meant that…tho i cant lecture you on that as i failed two collages XD

Yeah…tho im still harboring my hope for my nation (nations/ reasonable mix as a TT)

Is there a general time the trailers come out??? Mid day? Latter in the day?

Mid day

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lol i’m still in highschool and my teachers don’t care if I miss sick. They’ll give me to much work either way

Day 5 waiting for trailer to come out

Im so happy im no longer in school

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It’s never too late, but if we’re being realistic, it’s not going to happen, and if it does then all those vehicles can be moved across, so it doesn’t change how vehicles should be added to Britain anyways, if anything the more we get the better the case is for a full Indian tree

Told you

I want to become a fighter pilot so I have A LOT more school lol. I’m not happy for more english classes :( I hate them

The more Indian vehicles they add to Britain, the lower the chances of India getting its own tree gets.

Right now they only have a handful of vehicles, but when their vehicles make up a big chunk of Britains vehicles there is little to no chance of Gaijin hiding them and adding an Indian tree with copies of all the vehicles (except for the Jaguar IS, because Gaijins stance on event vehicles sucks)

@Gunjob could you give me some information on the status of this bug report? If it is correct and the F/A-18 is coming this update it should have an effect on the aircraft.

Like I said, if we’re being realistic it isn’t going to happen anyway, Gaijin have already made their stance clear, that India, somehow, doesn’t have enough to stand on it’s own as a tree.

They’d have to reverse on that decision and the decision to add them as a subtree and that’s just not realistic to expect

For a second i got scared that there is already bug report for F-18 even tho it isnt even in game.

images (3)

new amphibious tank for france



And yes WW2 stuff in TT is cool to get.

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Sorry about that. This is with regards to one of the payloads that would be on it.

No updates yet apologies.


If we really put “deserves the most showcase”, it’s F2, because Japan need love.

But we all know it’s gonna be another glorious trailer for US/RU stuff like always, even the EF/Rafale trailer was not on par (slightly better for the EF than the Rafale btw) with what they have done before (Su25, A10s…) and F-18s probably gonna have the same advanced work on it.

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