Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Foxbat one of the few to shoot down an F/A-18


Pretty much.
Which is why it will be another Soviet copy paste or an Indian meme vehicle for 7.0

Sub trees are added to diversify available options for a nations as well as a means for nations that otherwise do not have enough vehicles for a balanced standalone tree (that themselves would not require sub nations to support them) to come the game.

They offer many possibilities for nations and are not just a automatic guarantee that simply everything possible will come.


A nation will never be worthless just because 1 or 2 vehicles in its tree are present in another.

Israel has existed for years now, boasting similar if not the same top tier jet as america and yet neither nation is “worthless”

If a nations worth is dictated by one singular vehicle, then that nation had none to begin with. If someone wants to play a nation they will, one vehicle is unlikely to change this for the grand majority. In fact another nations vehicle in other trees is a great way to encourage people to try new nations, because if they enjoy the feel and style they might be inclined to go experience more of it.


well the Thai tree was the perfect example of “copy paste” and cherry picking.

No A-37? No AT-6? no new airframes… but easy copy paste stuff (with the OCU F16 being wrong too)

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For ground and naval, there are these things called lineups.
For air where it’s only one vehicle you “sort-of” have a point, and still not much of one.

Ground and naval BRs for ground, navy, and air vehicles sub-trees only ever add uniqueness to a tech tree.
For air, it does nothing one way or the other if it’s copy-paste, and adds unique if it’s unique.

240 countermeasure fighter bomber is nice, not in any other tech tree in this form.
UK has F-111C, USA has F-111F, France has a Dutch/Belgian F-16A.

It’s not about that.

It’s about;

U.K has Eurofighter.
France has Rafale.
Russia has SU-30.
U.S has F/A-18.

Ok, makes sense. All 4 nations have available options, right? So they are balanced against each other.

But NO!

Some people want U.K to not only have Eurofighter (and that’s leaving aside the JAS-39C they got back when it was actually a necessary subtree addition);

But want for U.K to ALSO have Rafale!
ALSO have SU-30!
ALSO have F/A-18!

Every nation’s Top vehicles on the U.K tree!

Why grind any other nation when a single tree has all of their content amarite!




3 of those nations would be having fun in this match up lol, 1 will be about to suffer a bit.

It’s a cheap cop out that essentially reads Gaijin will decide where said vehicle will go regardless of existing sub tree. Gaijin want to offer the Su-30MKI as a premium for Russia or a Russian event vehicle they will do that.

Now while I dont think Britain should receieve the Su-30MKI yet it will one day be added to the game and it should go in the tree that has Indian vehicles.

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the only indian vehicle i think would be fine is the tejas simply because its not c&p


People love to boil their own tree down to one vehicle, adding the Rafale to Britain doesn’t make France pointless just like adding the Leopard 2 to France doesn’t make Germany pointless, it’s a whole tree with hundreds of vehicles, it’s dumb to narrow it to just one thing


Exactly the failed indigenous vehicles…Arjun and Tejas thats as good as it gets.

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Exactly it’s like oh no Italy have a 109 why would I every play Germany…

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Ok? And guess what?
France - Still has its plethora of unique vehicles for players who want to grind it
Russia - Still has its plethora of unique vehicles for players who want to grind it
USA - Still has its plethora of unique vehicles for those who want to grind it

These nations arent diminished by their vehicles exisitng in other trees or vice versa. All i see is potential ways to fill slots.

Gaijin needs a premium for the UK? Throw an F-18 at it.
Gaijin needs an event jet? Throw a Su-30 at them
Gaijin needs a squadron? Throw a rafale at the problem (dont do that)

This is only an issue if you make it one, and rn… a lot of yall are making it one.

Britain doesnt need any of these vehicles, nor am i asking for them now or even in the near future. Simply that the door for them not be shut forever.


fortunately we have the eurofighter and indigenous designs so we dont need any rafales or su30s


That is where you are very wrong - everyone I know started grinding France only for the Rafale.


Diversity is one of the reasons for a subtree, and there is never a “need” just holes that can be filled

We can’t go a single week ;-;



mirage 2000D for me!

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