Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

South Africa was pretty unique in that regard, no other subtree is so unique

It would not fill any significant gaps nor useful gaps.

And like a certain person said not every vehicles from a subtree has to come in game ~.

You’r right, but tou don’t have gap here.

Maybe we are lucky and get both J-11B and J-10B this update, both were leaked before so it’s possible both are ready

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Yeah, there is no room for the Air Force Rafale, and I wouldn’t ask for it, but there is plenty of room for Indian Navy vehicles, and no matter which ones we get, someone is going to be miffed about it

This is true. Im sure alot of GB players dont want India as a subtree. HOWEVER, its been given to GB and therefor, like other subtrees, should be filled with its vehicles

I really dont want cherry picked vehicles. Lets have it a complete tree

Gnat, Tejas, MiG29K, SU-30MKI, Rafale, mirage 2000,

tech tree MiG21UB would be a nice varient for a supersonic 9.x br aircraft!

none of these vehicles where needed, but i would like to see them represented ingame

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Like this one

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Isn’t the point of subtrees to provide vehicles that fill gaps when the original tree has no options available, and NOT to make a tree overflow with unnecessary additions that would make it surpass any other tree via raw volume of vehicles from other nations?

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Need some?

popcorn popcorn popcorn

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Probably a dumb comment to make, but I can’t wait to see people do goofy stuff in customs with the new vehicles, such as landing things in places they shouldn’t be.


Vehicle: “exists”

British mains in WT: “Is for me?”

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The MiG-21Bison would have been perfect for tech tree

Sub trees are not an automatic include for every single vehicle possible or imaginable for that nation. We have said this many, many times.


There’s no such thing as an “unnecessary” addition.
The point of subtrees is to allow vehicles into the game from nations that can’t make a tech tree.


You don’t care about them represented ingame since some of them are already represented ingame, you just care about the fact that you don’t want to grind other TT so you want everything in yours because y’all are lazy and want everything in your TT and don’t care about the originality of every TT in the game.

If a sub nation gets added to the game, its vehicles should be fair game regardless of “necessity”

Now priority should be given to nations and battle ratings where gaps are present. But vehicles that these nations historically operated shouldnt be omitted from the game indefinitely.

This is how i treat indias vehicles especially. The UK is in no hurry for most of these air vehicles, but they should still arrive slowly but surely in different forms, because India did operate them, and im sure indian players would love to see their vehicles represented in game.


An addition becomes unnecessary when it renders other trees pointless by giving a single tree the vehicles of all other nations ingame even though it has available counterparts at those BRs…

Many nations needed subtrees to fill holes and gaps on their trees, that’s reasonable.

But when a tree already has one of the best jets on a BR, the last thing it needs is 3 other nations’ best top BR planes on it as well.

So you go from fixing a problem (lack of native options at certain BRs) to causing another; a Terminator tree better than any other because it has everything from every other on a same BR.

Good start, good start.

End it with “No Rafale ever in UK TT” and all thoses drama would be stopped by your courageous and really professionnal act. :)

so just cherry picked of whats convenient copy paste? if that is the case why did GB even get India as a subtree, i dont think GB ever needed a subtree as it has such a rich aviation history and many more varients of aircraft from its own county too add.