Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Not this kind of leak. It was in the leak of the reputable source and not in a wish list disguised as a leak

Since it is likely that the teaser will drop tomorrow, which of these aircrafts do you expect to see in the teaser?

  • Sukhoi Su-30SM
  • Mitsubishi F-2
  • Shenyang J-11B
  • Super Hornet F-18E
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that ones a meme to duck with the US and we know it lol

Noo, why j-11b last

It’s basic

Could it be that all four will be added?

It’s possible all can be added, we’re just now guessing which ones will show up in the teaser.

I mean, the F-2 would absolutely duck with Japan.

It should come in June honestly, but then the A-6E SWIP should be here already anyways, maybe when they add the Harpoon we’ll finally get it


Being added != being in the teaser

Probably, but its not going to be as popular as the US or Soviet aircraft so if its coming it will hive minimal time in the trailer


Guys I had a vision last night the update is 100% bringing CT40 cannons to Britain and France 1000% percent.

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I’d say you are 50% right

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a black and white drawing of a cartoon face with a smiley face .

i am all for it means a certain person @AgentZombie_6021 eats his shoes

In the researchable tree maybe USMC F/A-18C from late Iraqi Freedom era with AN/APG-73 (Phase II), AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR or AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening AT pod

or F/A-18C config 2020’s era, outfitted AN/APG-79(V)4 AESA radar and AN/AAQ-28 (V)Litening G4 pod

I suppose the next aircraft pre-order premium rank 8 might be USN F/A-18C (1992 ~ 1994) with AN/APG-73 (Phase I) radar. post desert storm and equipped AN/AAS-38A NITE HAWK pod

But none JHMCS, AIM-120C, JDAM, Laser JDAM, APKWS II and AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER

I suppose could be F/A-18E (Early) (Block 1) config Iraqi Freedom 2004 ~ 2005, but not sure equipped AN/AAS-46 TFLIR or AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR targeting pod

Gajin might add Super Hornet for USA tech tree this quarter before other operators, maybe

I’d really love to see the F-2 get a big fancy reveal in the teaser but I’ll honestly just be happy as long as it comes this update


Id like if it would too but given other minor nations vehicles we may see it for 2 seconds in the hanger and then for 3 seconds flying and then the rest is US and Soviet

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kinda their will be a CTA40 in the game just not for france or the UK mark my words lol

I don’t expect F-2, but for the sake of every snail within a 100km radius I damn well hope it’s in there

(Could go with J-11, but is best with J-10, maybe they add both to China)

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