the german history goes back way longer, kingdom of prussia etc still at its heart is germany
only cause the name changed a few times doesnt mean the relationship to france changed
Thai dont operate hornet as i remember
Germany, you mean East Francia?
They were ordered and produced, with the first payment going as planned (~75M USD) before it was cancelled. All aircraft were completed and repurposed by the USMC, Thailand wasn’t refunded
Obligatory Gaijin message
Only add Thai Hornet if it doesn’t cause any more delays with the F-2 than we already had!
F/A-18 for everyone, I think we all deserve it :)
Give me now : (
I mentioned it later in my other post that it was boight
In that case then I fully support Thailand getting the F/A-18 as they were ordered and built which is said more than the AJ.
They made a mistake by listening to the nation whining, we now know if we whine enough we can get a copypasta f18c for thai
Good idea : P
so is this a foreshadow that we aint getting any magach/sabra related vehicle in the tech tree this update?
Ok, no second dev blog, definitely.
I can only hope for a teaser now! Although tomorrow would be more likely.
@MAUSWAFFE I highly suggest you make a suggestion for this as in my view the US stolen these aircraft from the Thai air force. Since they were never refunded they are still tech belong to them
I really hope, that we take teaser tomorrow
I already considered that, but I want to wait until after F-2 release.
could be waiting a while then
I mean better late than never but it’s a cool way to cap off the line until the E
i mean was leaked, maybe delayed to next patch
How many updates has the A-6E SWIP been leaked in?