Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Domestic RAAF Super Hornet it’s Block 2 standard

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I hope we get this skin as an option for the F/A-18.

another one I would like.


F-2 hasn’t been delayed nor will any copy paste “delay” it

The leak says that it might be delayed and yes “One new top tier addition is enough for Japan so F-2A next update”

Which is, one less than a certain prototype that also has canards but cant use weapons

Ah, that’s what you mean, I thought you meant one less engine than the Lavi

broooo you want f-15 for france?

i really dont know what to say lol

france nation is becoming a salad in the game lol

it might be delayed for this update but it has never been delayed before

A nation that isnt a salad is Britain, at least for now, but even for how unique it is people still dont like playing Britain smh


I mean isn’t the US and USSR also not salads?

lol but france is a real salad lol

i think thats iran imperial flag above left

but iran chose f-14 over f-15

They’re the salad makers

Best salad is caesar salad

And France is not a salad, it’s bacon.



No, they are like, lettuce and bacon, only when you mix stuff together they become salads

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Italy is very salad like

i’m confused but ok

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yes, yes absolutely
thank you


france is this

salad shirazi

a mix of russian american french german italian… lol


Et tu, Brute? What?! Am I downtiered? ~ Caeser probably

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