Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

purchased?? he he , nah we force fed them to japan XD


joking btw

Trial vehicles and gaijins reasoning for them is always a changing matter. If we go buy purchased it opens up even more cans of worms which again follows under trial, with that logic we get way more vehicles that dont need to be added just like the T80 U, Heavy tank 6 ect ect its a never ending rabbit hole

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Now that would be epic xD

Did Italy test them ?

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Iirc just a pilot exchange

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italian exhange pilots are the first and only ones i think to ever fly A-10s

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Pretty sure someone posted a link about them testing them a few months back

Advanced eagle from 2013, so more like 10 years. F-15E could do 4 amraams and full 20,000lb a2g when eurofighter was made though

And wouldn’t an advanced eagle be less affected by a2g loads than a eurofighter. It was made to handle such large amounts of extra weight

Who thinks Part 4 by next week?

who am I kidding? we’ll be half way through Part 4 after the trailer/teaser comes out

Back then, I thought Montana had been laid down- turns out it wasn’t, sadly xD

That being said; if that’s the only reason why you call the whole excel ‘terrible’… :')


Probably, trailer always adds a few thousand comments

Well if Italy tested then then I’m sure A-10 would be a good we forgive you package if it was added as a squadron vehicle : D

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the UK has a official adopted the RCH155, none have been delivered yet, where as Germany hasn’t decided yet and might not go with it, at which point it would very much be like the KF41

imagine it gets to part 4 the second after the trailer drops XD

Or we give them the Saab A-38, it was a joint vehicle project before Italy dropped to work with Brazil.

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tell me what the ukrainian RCH155 is then.
The RCH155 isnt specialised for UK. Which already exists and was delivered

I mean,



me raging about you thinking Lion could in amy way stand up to a Yamato

im not saying its specialised im saying the UK has actually adopted it unlike germany, and even if gaijin doesnt give them the Boxer version they can get the Swiss Piranha IV version

Ah the glory of what could’ve been


Wait to think T-80 U and AH-64 can be in Sweden tree.
Why can’t JP and TH get F-18 :v

just want to know your opinion thank you.